
  • 9 أغسطس 2016
  • انضمّ(ت) 19 يوليو 2014
  • What's the current status of v3? I'm planning to start a new project soon but the lack of updates for the past several months make me nervous...

  • That's so cool!!!

    But you should definitely take some time off to read your 7K+ emails! 😛

  • I have no idea what have I done, but the problem disappeared a couple of days (maybe weeks) ago. I really have no idea what has changed but it hasn't happened to me ever since.

    I hope I haven't passed the curse of the annoying license to you! 😛

  • WOW! No wonder you're getting those performance issues... You definitely need to lower you number of bones and number of vertices on your meshes.

  • Hi,

    I'm having an issue where when transitioning between animations that don't have the same bones/properties animated, they maintain their position from the previous animation.

    This means I have to add "empty" keyframes to the beginning of every animation to avoid this behavior. I'm not sure if this is a feature or something I overlooked, but maybe there are cases where this would be beneficial. However, is there a way to accomplish this without adding these "empty" keyframes at the beginning of every animation?

  • Hi all,

    I've just released a new post regarding Unity's 2D animation tools. It's mostly about my experience of trying a couple of different plugins and ending up with what I think it's currently the best solution, Spine! ... animation/

    Let me know your thoughts!

  • Yes, it is! And really annoying too... especially since it has to download the software every time.

    Any suggestions on what can I do or try?

  • It's asking me for the license pretty much every time it crashes... And it crashed today using 1.9.06. I'll grab the log next time.

    I got the chance to install Spine on my girlfriend's laptop and it has the same issue. It asks for the license randomly on startup. Most of the times is after a crash, but it also asks for it without a crash sometimes.

    Could there be an issue with my license or something?

  • Thanks mate! I'll take a look! 😉

    You should definitely create an asset store product with this stuff!

    In the meantime would be nice to see if there's a "native" alternative to do this. It's very weird to me that something so standard on animation frameworks would not be supported.

  • Thanks for the answer! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  • Is it possible to mix/blend animations on the same track?

    For example, I have a "land_soft" and a "land_hard" animation and I would like to blend between them according to the speed the characters lands.

    While this is possible if I use two different tracks, it then makes the transition to subsequent animations, like run or walk, to not smoothly blend since they're on track 0.

    Do you have any suggestion on how to accomplish this?

  • This looks incredible! Following!

  • Here is the log... Crashed after coming back from sleep. However, yesterday it crashed under normal usage (editing weights) and it also asked for the license.


    Is there an update on this issue?

  • This is the same problem as reported here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2263

    Take a look at the workaround posted there. It's definitely an annoying bug... but at least there's a workaround while it's not fixed.

  • I can't find how to switch to multiple monitor mode... I'm using the Mac version. Am I missing something obvious?