
  • منذ 15 أيام
  • انضمّ(ت) 21 يناير 2014

    The export script was updated recently and is now compatible with Inkscape v1.2 (and the fresh v1.3 release).

    See the official repo README

    The scripts don't work for me either (Inkscape v1.2.2).

    When I click "Extensions > Spine > Spine Export...", nothing happens and no popup appears.

    When I click "Extensions > Spine > Spine Export - Paths...", the popup appears and works just fine, but there's the same error all the time:

    /home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/ DeprecationWarning: inkex.elements.svg.width -> Use :func:viewport_width instead
    self.hw = self.svg.unittouu(self.svg.width) / 2
    /home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/ DeprecationWarning: inkex.elements.svg.height -> Use :func:viewport_height instead
    self.hh = self.svg.unittouu(self.svg.height) / 2
    /home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/ DeprecationWarning: inkex.deprecated.main.transform_mul -> Use @ operator instead
    m2 = inkex.Transform(m2) * inkex.Transform(m)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 308, in <module>
    File "/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/inkex/", line 231, in run
    File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 59, in effect
    File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 300, in _main_function
    self.traverse(node, [], [])
    File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 280, in traverse
    self.parsePath(node, transforms, names)
    File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 259, in parsePath
    File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 143, in opened2curves
    File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 121, in closed2curves
    if self.is_line(csp[0], csp[0][i + 1]):
    File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/", line 98, in is_line
    return p1[1][0] == p1[2][0] and p1[1][1] == p1[2][1] and p2[0][0] == p2[1][0] and p2[0][1] == p2[1][1]
    IndexError: string index out of range

    Seems like the scripts are out of date.

    Thanks Nate! Works like a charm!

    • تم التحرير

    There's some bone selection behavior inconsistency introduced in Editor 4.1. Apparently it's now difficult to hover/select the desired bone when there are multiple ones overlay each other.

    Spine Editor 4.0

    Spine Editor 4.1

    It's worth mentioning that I have 200% bone scaling. That might be related to the issue.

    Thanks, Nate. Will look forward for it!

    Through testing I found out something else that doesn't get imported properly - easing function attributes (like "curve", "c2", "c3" etc).

    For example, transitions in this animation turn into completely linear after the import:

    • تم التحرير
  • Hey guys,
    A simple question, is it possible somehow to define bone icon drawable inside imported JSON data file?

    My case is I'm using customized Photoshop export script to produce template-like Spine project with a few persistent bones and constraints already generated for the animator to speedup the rigging process. I have a couple very specific service bones in that setup and I'd like to have them colored and having different icons. For color it's not a big deal, just putting "color" field under the bone's JSON works fine. But is there similar JSON field for icon that can be imported by the editor?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Thanks Mario, things definitely go easier with Gradle dependencies!

    BTW, do you have any plans on setup maybe some kind of automation build system to deploy to Maven on a regular basis, to always keep artifact in the repo up-to-date?

    • تم التحرير

    Guys, could you please update Maven Central with the latest changes for 3.6, it's been half a year since and it has a lot of bugs and flaws.

    I have pretty the same questions as msm. A lot of my animation transitions are broken after 3.5 update and I can't find any way to fix it. Seems like every transition now more or less is mixing with setup pose and sometimes it looks very wrong. Can't find any guide or info on how to migrate old animations to new mixing behavior. Is there a way to simulate old transitions at all?

    Hey there!
    Any progress on it? I use spine to animate various pixelart drawing, so always should round values by hand in setup mode (to be clear it's not always integers, like in case when image width/height is odd number).
    See less reasons for such grid binding in animation mode (I use some modified runtime code for pixel-perfect), but only in setup environment it will make my work a lot easier!

    Oh, that one is very interesting discussion. I really don't understand why Esoteric guys keep apply to paradigms rather to usability. It's only matters how things better work in your system, and not how it should work is any other cases. So anyway I don't see any difficulties in extending current event representation and deeply love that custom fields approach that BinaryCats described. But even so, multiline editor would be a great step forward for now.

    • تم التحرير

    Hello guys,
    Here I am with a very geeky request...
    It may look strange, but I use spine events to send pretty generic messages to my game. Just like very flexible sound call. Look at the approach: I just globally listen for any events from animation, obtain one and check if it calls "sound", then I just parse json that holds in string value of that event. And here is a little problem for me, because it's very hard to maintain such long things like scripts in editor.

    First of all, it's hard to write them and view, because it's easy to go beyond modest width of edit widget. Check out pic:
     Loading Image
    So I think that some kind of multiline dialog could help a lot. I know that pretty redundant for most of the audience, but you know someday scripting through events may be the last opportunity for someone and he would be very grateful to have such cheap and helpful thing too 😉
    My thoughts on the line, it could be just like some extra button near edit field, and then get user to some simple modal dialog:
     Loading Image

    Another problem is searching for events. This is bigger case, because it's really necessary sometimes to know all usages of particular event (you guys work with modern IDEs, you know what I'm talking about :hi: ), and this is mostly a question, because I feel like someone already asked about that...

    I'm happy to discuss such things, so waiting for your ideas :clap:

    Amazing stuff! Could you please explain technique behind this fascinating sun rays?
    Thanks in advance

    Hey, clandestine, thanks!
    Yeah, it's probably was a big fault to use these keys, especially because Shift... But unfortunately we got it too late.

    Hey guys,

    Me and my friend finished another game for 7-day hackathon. You can play it right here.

    It's all new amazing experience to use Spine in conjunction with pixel-art assets. Using of Spine for character animations was like a turbo boost for whole development cycle, it's significantly faster then draw sprite animations and gives some new estetic power to pixel-art drawing! 🙂 Try it out and please share you opinion.

    Question to Nate:
    Is there any chance to get new updates and features on Spine in a future? I would like to ask for some extra export params (e.g. gif scaling) to fit such small assets.

    Piece :drunk:

    • تم التحرير