Non-linear Unity timeline traversal
- تم التحرير
@TheBiter We just pushed a bugfix for this issue to the 4.1 and 4.2-beta branches. New 4.1 and 4.2-beta Spine Timeline UPM packages are available for download here as usual:
Please let us know if this resolves the issues on your end as well. Thanks for reporting!
Issue ticket URL for later reference:
I grabbed the newest UPM timeline package and it seems to work now. The spine animation follows the playhead as expected. This is wonderful! Thanks for being so quick on the uptake!
I just want to mention the Clip End Mix Out Duration
issue again where the last timeline clip on the spine animation track index doesn't blend back to empty. However, I have a workaround for this at the moment but it might be worth investigating.
Again many thanks for being so quick on addressing the main issue!
I grabbed the newest UPM timeline package and it seems to work now. The spine animation follows the playhead as expected. This is wonderful! Thanks for being so quick on the uptake!
Glad to hear it resolved your issue, thanks again for reporting!
TheBiter I just want to mention the Clip End Mix Out Duration issue again where the last timeline clip on the spine animation track index doesn't blend back to empty. However, I have a workaround for this at the moment but it might be worth investigating.
Oh, sorry, I forgot about this second issue! We will investigate the cause of the problem and get back to you as soon as we've figured out what's going wrong, or in case we fail to reproduce the issue.
Maybe I'm not understanding the feature as it is designed. So what I thought Clip End Mix Out Duration
does is to blend the animation on the spine track index defined in the timeline track back to empty when the clip is done playing.
Example scenario I have a simple timeline asset of a single SpineAnimationStateTrack set to track index 1 and a single SpineAnimationStateClip with a jump animation reference asset assigned. Using the SkeletonAnimation Spineboy gameobject assigned to the playable director's track and idle set as its initial animation, I press play and expect to see the spineboy jump and then fully return to idle. Instead I see the Spineboy do his jump animation then get stuck in the last frame of his jump animation. He still moves his hip bone due to the jump animation not modifying it. So he's in the state where hes stuck in the last frame of the jump animation but his hip continues to move from the original idle animation, which I guess was playing throughout the duration of the jump but isn't noticeable.
However if I then toss an empty signal emitter on the marker track past the last frame of the SpineAnimationStateClip, which extends the duration of the entire timeline asset past the last frame of the clip, I can see the Spineboy empty out his jump animation frames and return fully to idle. So this leads me to believe that in the case where the SpineAnimationStateClip is the last object on the timeline, it doesn't do Clip End Mix Out Duration
I did do a debug breakpoint step through of the code before to try to understand what was going on. What I think was happening is that in SpineAnimationStateMixerBehaviour script when the code hits the OnGraphStop method, isPaused is set to true in the scenario where the clip is the last thing on the timeline asset and thus never fires HandleClipEnd.
I hope this is enough information to try to reproduce the issue I am seeing. Unless I misunderstood the feature entirely, it's something I am seeing on the most simple timeline setup. Thanks again for your time.
@TheBiter Thanks for the detailed writeup. I just discovered that I overlooked that the test Timeline which I inspected had more animation clips following hidden to the right of the window (requiring scrolling), while I thought it had been the last clip already. My bad.
We have created an issue ticket here for this issue:
We will get back to you here on the forum as soon as we have a fix to offer.
Thanks for reporting!
It's cool. I have a "good enough" workaround in the meantime to alleviate the behavior for our project.
I also just noticed a different issue with the latest spine timeline package v4.1.10 that is hard for me to properly explain. It might be a result of the fix I requested for nonlinear traversal but when I have sequential clips in the timeline now (without any clip mixing overlap), the first clip's animation reference is ignored and the one located in the following 2nd clip is used instead. This only happens for the first SpineAnimationStateClip in the sequence as any following 2nd or 3rd or 4th clip seems to behave as normal.
I'll be sending a sample reproduction project built upon my previous one with multiple playable directors and timeline assets in them to show off the behaviors in separate scenes. I've also bundled up the Clip End Mix Out Duration
issue in there as well with the workarounds I've discovered in a separate scene.
Thanks again for being so quick and responsive.
- تم التحرير
It's cool. I have a "good enough" workaround in the meantime to alleviate the behavior for our project.
BTW: If you enable the clip option Don't pause with Director
at your last clip, it will also mix out to the empty animation. Just in case that helps.
TheBiter I'll be sending a sample reproduction project built upon my previous one with multiple playable directors and timeline assets in them to show off the behaviors in separate scenes.
Sorry to hear you've encountered another problem. Thanks in advance for sending the reproduction project!
Harald BTW: If you enable the clip option Don't pause with Director at your last clip, it will also mix out to the empty animation. Just in case that helps.
AH! Yes, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the heads up.
Harald Sorry to hear you've encountered another problem. Thanks in advance for sending the reproduction project!
It's all good. I'm more concerned about other people grabbing the latest version and finding out they can't chain clips together.
@TheBiter We just fixed the newly intrduced issue with this commit.
New 4.1 and 4.2-beta UPM packages are available for download:
Thanks again for reporting!
We will now investigate the remaining Clip End Mix Out Duration
Sorry for the delayed reply. So far in my tests with the new package and our non-linear timeline implementation, it all seems to be working great. I'm able to loop variable amount of times without issue and all the regular timelines are working fine as well. Thanks again for the fast turnaround!
I'll keep an eye out for the Clip End Mix Out Duration
whenever you guys get that resolved. In the meantime our workaround is good enough. Many thanks!
@TheBiter We have just released an official bugfix for the Clip End Mix Out Duration
issue. Timeline clips should now behave as the paramter names imply and follow the documentation again. Please let us know if this resolves the issue on your end as well. If you encounter anything else that behaves unexpectedly, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thanks again for reporting!
Updated 4.1 and 4.2-beta Spine Timeline UPM packages are available for download:
So in my testing reproduction project, I pulled down the latest package to test out the Clip End Mix Out Duration
setting and it seems to work as expected now for the final clip, which is great.
I took a look at the logic that was changed and to me it looks a little confusing. Namely line 71 in SpineAnimationStateMixerBehaviour
where it says bool isStoppedNotPaused = playable.GetGraph().IsPlaying(); // end of track was reached or graph stopped.
The observed behavior does seem to work as advertised but I just wanted to make sure this is the intended logic. From just reading the code one might assume the logic is reversed but with the way the timelines fire off the event timings, it's probably correct logic but just looks unintuitive.
Again thanks a bunch for the help! I believe all my issues have been resolved.
@TheBiter Thanks very much for the quick feedback, glad everything behaves as expected now!
TheBiter The observed behavior does seem to work as advertised but I just wanted to make sure this is the intended logic.
Thanks for taking a considerate look and sharing your concerns. The Unity Timeline API is unfortunately not always quite intuitive, as this example shows . Unfortunately
and OnGraphStop
are both called in succession upon pausing or stopping the graph. The only way we found to distinguish whether these two successive calls are coming from a pause or stop event is that playable.GetGraph().IsPlaying()
is returning false
when paused and true
when stopped.
Harald The only way we found to distinguish whether these two successive calls are coming from a pause or stop event is that playable.GetGraph().IsPlaying() is returning false when paused and true when stopped.
Haha I figured something strange like that was going on since I too have seen very unintuitive behavior when stepping through the timeline code. Thanks for all the help!