
  • 2 أكتوبر 2023
  • انضمّ(ت) 14 مارس 2014

    Thanks Mario,

    In our previous engine we moved the actor but in this case I think moving the collision capsule and renderer component might be sufficient, with snapping the actors location to the root and resetting once an animation ends..

    Thanks for the answer, I'll jump in and see what I can do!


    I've been away for a while and catching up on the state of things. Am I right in that root motion is not implemented within the UE runtime? I found this post and a few others but I can't find a definitive answer. http://esotericsoftware.com/forum/UE4-Root-Motion-10096?p=45577&hilit=root+motion#p45577

    I want the root bone of a skeleton to move the Actor within the world. I know there are bone followers and bone drivers but these seem to be for other use-cases. I tried using a bone follower but no luck. There's a checkbox called "Use Component Transform" which implies when it is false, it will move the Actor to follow the bone. When I put in the root bone, nothing happens. The Actors world location remains the same.

    If I set the Target as my character which contains the spine skeleton, it simply bombs through the floor in editor mode.
    If I unset the Bone Name property, my actor moves to a specific location and doesn't move (0, 0, 0).

    Looking at the code for SpineBoneFollowerComponent, it appears that it will only set the Actor to the world position of the bone? In which case, SpineBoneFollowerComponent can't be used for root motion.

    Can anyone please elaborate or point me to a sample containing root motion from a spine skeleton, or is it something I will need to implement myself?


    • تم التحرير

    Perfect!! You were spot on about my setup, and switching to BoneFollower is now respecting the non-uniform scale.

    Thank you!

    • تم التحرير

    Hi guys,

    Pretty sure I'm missing something obvious here, but can't spot what the issue is.

    I have a skeleton and I'm spawning bullets from a child bone using the following code:

    var bullet = Instantiate(_bulletPrefab, _turretEmitPoints[turretIndex].position, _turretRotateTransforms[turretIndex].rotation);
    bullet.RunOnChildrenRecursive((g) => g.layer = _projectileLayer);
    var rigidBody = bullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
    rigidBody.velocity = rigidBody.transform.right * 5f;

    This works fine when the root bone scale is 1, 1, 1 but when I change the root bone scale to 1, 0.7, 1 the rotation is then off. I've tried using WorldRotationX on the bone object itself, but it always seems to ignore the effect scaling in Y has on the world rotation.

    Is there another property or some transform I need to apply to get the accurate rotation?

    Here the root bone is 1, 1, 1 scale

    Here is when the root bone is 1, 0.7, 1 scale

    Ah makes sense, thanks for clarifying 🙂 I incorrectly assumed that "parent reference" was simply an object reference to a parent transform, not as you explained.

    Hi guys,

    I have a simple skeleton imported into Unity. I have used the skeleton utility scripts to add an override to a bone that overrides its rotation. I have then made the parent reference a game object that is at the same level in the heirachy as the skeleton utility script named "Rotator".

    When I rotate the "Rotator", it is designed to only rotate in the z-axis. This all works with the one issue that the spine model rotates in the opposite direction! All the other values on the transform are zero, so it seems that somewhere, something is flipping the x-axis by 180 degrees in the calculations.

    If I manually rotate the spine model bone that has the override script attached, the gizmo's in Unity rotate in the correct direction. When i rotate using the Rotator object, the gizmos rotate in the wrong direction.

    Any suggestions why this might be?
    I'm using latest Spine and Unity 2019.1.10f1

    Here is the default:

    Here is rotated via the "Parent Reference" transfom:

    And here is rotated directly:

    • تم التحرير

    Thanks guys, the rays were done using a technique by Charles Humphrey (https://twitter.com/NemoKrad) which he wrote up on his blog here - http://xnauk-randomchaosblogarchive.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/2d-crepuscular-god-rays.html

    That is a link to the 2D version using XNA (there's some early shots of my game featured in that article too 8) ), but there is another post for a 3D version somewhere on his blog. He mainly uses Unity now, I know he ported the effect over but not entirely sure whether he wrote an article for it.

    We submitted the game to IGF 2016 http://www.igf.com/php-bin/entry2016.php?id=8941

    Here's the video, thought might like to see!


    Shiu wrote

    I really like the style of this game. Where did you draw your inspiration from? The excessive blood reminds me of Ninja Scroll 🙂


    The inspiration was mainly from a fascination with Samurai, nothing too special there, but I did try and watch a lot of shows and movies for "research", including Ninja Scroll, Ran, Seven Swords, whatever I could find :-)

    Freidenker01 wrote

    There's just one thing that makes me skratching my head... why is the flame of the torch dark? Sdhouldn't it be bright as it even seams to be the lightsource?

    That's a very good point! I think the only answer I have for you is because it looks good 😉

    For anyone interested, there is a playable demo of the game available at http://risingsunstudios.co.uk/dawn-of-the-ronin-demo/

    It is mainly for our IGF submission so there isn't a whole lot of content right now, but will give you an idea of how the final game will play 🙂

    I can confirm it works on the xna/c-sharp runtime too. :love:

    I've already had to make a few modifications to the runtime so one-more won't hurt for now!

    Oh cool, I'll give that a try with the xna c/sharp runtime - you've definitely helped save me some time so very much appreciated! =)

    Good to know I'm not the only one who stumbled across this! It's a shame because it works so well apart from this issue.

    • تم التحرير

    Hi guys,

    I've implemented Root Motion (https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Animation/RootMotion/index.html) into my XNA engine and it works really well apart from one issue, which is why I'm posting here.

    So far, each update frame, my engine will take the movement applied to the skeleton root bone and apply it to my character object instead and reset the skeleton root bone to zero. It keeps track of where the root bone would normally be so it only applies changes between the last frame and the current frame to the character object.

    The root motion can be toggled on and off, so only certain animations will make use of this. Going from an animation with root motion to an animation without root motion works beautifully. However, going between root motion animations causes one major issue as I'm also using animation blending to smooth the transitions out, so it is applying a blend of the root bone positions whereas I'm only concerned with the root bone position from the new current animation. :shake:

    What I want to do is once an animation blend is happening, completely ignore the root bone for the previous animation, but blend all the other skeleton bones as usual.

    My solution is to include a flag on the AnimationState so that ignores Root Bones when calculating the blending. I'm wondering if there are any other solutions or something I'm missing that would help?

    Been a while since have updated this -

    And an old gif - combat is even more brutal and gory now :p

    Thought I'd post a recent gif showing off the current state of the game, really loving all the stuff I can do with spine (although my actual animating skills need improvement!) 🙂

    • تم التحرير

    Hi guys,

    Been loving Spine, but one suggestion that would help speed up my workflow would be the ability to export the atlas and png files into specified folders.

    Currently, I have my json files in my content folder and then a subfolder for the atlases and pngs so everytime I export I have to move them into the sub folder manually.

    Not a big deal, obviously, but would be nice to be able to specify folders for each type of file output from Spine. At the moment you can only specify the output folder and the extensions of the individual files, but not subdirectories for the files.
