Hey if you're available for work can you send me an email with your rate. I'd like to talk about opportunities.
Hey if you're available for work can you send me an email with your rate. I'd like to talk about opportunities.
Hey everyone, we used Spine to create our game Paranormal Minis are are looking to get it onto Steam and would appreciate your vote!
Spine was awesome to use for the project and we're looking to get into using the skin feature to add some costumes to the players. Riot gear, armor, masks, etc would make for a pretty great addition to the game!
Please vote for the game on Steam:
So is there a decent way to handle this on Spine V2? V3 broke all of our animations, so we are stuck using an older runtime and editor (2.1.27 I believe). Maybe Pharan has an idea?
Hey everyone, we just wanted to show a game we are working on. Shadowstone is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements that we are currently developing for PC.
Key features:
- Customizable character
- Classes and Races
- Skill Tree and Character Development
- Randomized Dungeons
- Mini-bosses
- Crafting
Spine has been awesome for handling things like customizable gear using slots and FFD on on enemies (the banshee and slime in particular!).
We've launched our Greenlight campaign for Shadowstone! We need your help getting it Greenlit! We'd love for you guys to vote and help spread the word!
Hey guys! Wanted to share our Ludum Dare 33 entry for the theme You Are The Monster!
If we had more time we would have got into powerups, and limb health. These changes would have made gameplay more strategic. Overall it was a fun learning experience!
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Nate wroteSorry you ran into that. We will try and implement a solution when we update the runtimes to work with v3.
When are the v3 runtimes supposed to be out? We're probably about a month or two out from an early-access release of our game so wondering if we need to find a way to patch it ourselves or if runtimes will updated by then?
We've narrowed down the problem based on this post by Nate:
"We used to do a lookup every frame for an AttachmentTimeline, but it proved to be a performance bottleneck for animations with many of those timelines....We changed AttachmentTimeline to only lookup and set the attachment when the frame with the key is crossed."
In the Animation.cs file for the AttachmentTimeline class:
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha) {
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) {
if (lastTime > time) Apply(skeleton, lastTime, int.MaxValue, null, 0);
} else if (lastTime > time) //
lastTime = -1;
int frameIndex = (time >= frames[frames.Length - 1] ? frames.Length : Animation.binarySearch(frames, time)) - 1;
if (frames[frameIndex] < lastTime) return;
String attachmentName = attachmentNames[frameIndex];
skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex].Attachment =
attachmentName == null ? null : skeleton.GetAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName);
When we change it to:
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha)
String attachmentName = attachmentNames[0];
skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex].Attachment = (attachmentName == null ? null : skeleton.GetAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName));
The slot attachment updates immediately! Obviously this re-introduces the bottleneck Nate was talking about and we need to find a good way handle this. We will continue on and post a solution soon hopefully.
This is what we are doing. We are setting a slot's attachment based on a loader. We have a bunch of atlases loaded into an array and we iterate through them until we find the attachment we are looking for by string name. We then create an attachment from that load and set it for the slot. This all works fine and we have a customizable hero. The problem is that there is a noticeable delay. My second post (where I set the redundant keyframes every frame) shows that there is something happening in the runtime that isn't immediately updating the mesh in Unity, even though setting an attachment should happen instantly. We are not seeing the mesh update until another slot attachment keyframe gets triggered.
Subject: [Unity3D] RegionAttachment Override Delay
Mitch wroteAssigning an Attachment to a Slot should be instant. Could it be your AttachmentLoader that's taking a while to get the image?
Hey Mitch. I'm not sure if you saw this?
I tested what you were asking and it isn't related to any sort of delay in the loading of assets and has something do with the slot attachment timeline needing to be forced to refresh?
Also, I guess you guys created a sub-forum for Unity specific questions so maybe this thread needs to be moved?
These functions all happen in the SkeletonAnimator that Mitch created? I don't think that is the solution.
No sorry Mitch, I believe it has something do with the attachment keyframe.
I just tried adding a keyframe every frame and then tested the swapping of hair: it happens almost immediately now. Everything else took a second to catch up. Which I'm assuming until the animation loops and it hits the first keyframe for the attachment.
Any suggestions?
We are working on rogue-like and have implemented custom player gear using RegionAttachment swapping with something similiar to this:
Spine.RegionAttachment regionAttachment = loader.NewRegionAttachment(null, "Hair", "hair_001");
if(regionAttachment != null)
regionAttachment.Width = regionAttachment.RegionOriginalWidth;
regionAttachment.Height = regionAttachment.RegionOriginalHeight;
// ...
slot.Attachment = regionAttachment;
However, there is a noticeable delay until the RegionAttachment shows up. It seems as though it waits until the next keyframe comes around for the attachment.
Is there a way to manually force the SkeletonRenderer to update it's RegionAttachment's?
So we finished our Ludum Dare game in under 72 hours!
Spine was awesome in the game development pipeline. Few hiccups along the way, but a huge help regardless. Thanks for the hard work on Spine guys.
Fixed! Thanks for patching the C# runtime Nate!
Hi Nate. We're having trouble with the Spine Unity runtime while dev'ing for LD48.
Time is urgent, can you either patch or provide a starting point for us to look at as to why our assets aren't loading right? I've sent emails into contact@eso with no response. Thanks!