
  • 25 يوليو 2013
  • انضمّ(ت) 4 مارس 2013
  • kingzeus - Json is pretty easy to parse and it wouldn't be hard to write a command line utility to read in a Json file and write out a custom format. I know it's a bit more painful then having plugin support, but I'd much rather have all the other features first 😉

  • I would suggest doing the lean animation with frames instead of scaling bones.

  • Looks really good!

  • morethanever - I think maybe you should stop whining so much. The point of kick starter is to fund a project so that it can be finished. The fact that Spine already runs on 3 platforms and works well on at least 1 is amazing. Give Nate some time to fix the bugs. Until OSX is working well you should try the Win version, it's very stable. Run it in Parallels or some other virtual machine.

    Nate, Shiu - don't let this get you down. Even software that's been around forever has serious bugs. The majority of us have found that Spine far exceeds Spriter2 in every way. I thank you for your work.

  • Hey ngomes82,

    Sorry for the slow response, there has been a stomach bug going around my house :puke:

    It would be fine for you to copy my code into your repository, I really only did that initial port for Nate's benefit though. I have fixed up a few other parts of the code in my custom XNA version.

    I really don't want to do to much work on the direct port until Nate gets time to look at it and at least decide what direction he wants to take it.

    My XNA version might get hosted on Codeplex once it's done.

  • I've done a little more work on a few things and will upload the new code tonight.

    Some more stuff that needs fixed...

    • Currently the Json loader is not written very robustly for C# as it is a pretty direct port to C#. Checks for each key must be added.

    • Still need to write a TextureAtlas loader...but I'm working on that now.

  • Here is a near exact port to C#.


    Only a few things still need fixed/finished -

    • Binary files are not read correctly yet, I need to find out exactly how java writes stuff to disk.

    • I am using XNA for rendering so I used XNA's Color class instead of writing a simple class for it.

    • Json still needs more testing. The way the Json is parsed is pretty complex and silly looking in code. I don't like it at all and it needs to be fixed in both the Java and C# version IMHO.

    • Attachments are mostly ported, but not tested at all. I.E. no textures render yet. I feel like a true vanilla C# library should simply require the user to implement a few simple interfaces to enable texture rendering. So I feel like this needs rethought out and fixed.

    Both tests from the LibGDX runtime are ported. To switch between them comment/uncomment the define in Program.cs. This switches between Spine Test and Mix Test.

    Please take a look at this code and use it for your port, at least as a good base. I really tried to keep it as close as possible to the java source in git.
    Please remember it is not 100% finished as I wanted a vanilla library and don't feel like that's really possible porting from the java version without guidance from the lead dev's (Nathan).
    I am more then willing to continue work on this with that guidance...however I feel like the way the code is written in java once ported to C# results in poorly written C# code. With guidance I could make the C# vanilla library much better and more in line with C#'s style.

    Sorry for ranting, I just want to help.