
  • 5 فبراير 2024
  • انضمّ(ت) 28 أغسطس 2023

    @anaskhan Did you try keeping mipmaps enabled and changing mip bias to -0.5 as Misaki suggested? Disabling mip-maps always comes with a performance cost.

    Aside from disabling mipmaps: Did you try disabling crunch compression or increasing Compressor Quality from 50 to a high value? What your screenshot is showing looks to me also like compression artifacts and not only mipmap blur.

    @anaskhan Also please be sure to disable Animation Cleanup in your Skeleton Export settings, otherwise keys identical to the setup pose will be removed.

    @anaskhan Thanks for the additional details! Now I think I understand your problem better.

    In general if you want animation completely independent and not affecting another, it's probably the easiest and cleanest solution to use separate SkeletonAnimation objects for each building type. Then each one is just playing animations for a single building type and automatically does not interfere with other building's animations.

    If you really need to cover multiple building type animations in a single SkeletonAnimation GameObject, the following rules apply:

    • Slot visibility itself can't be keyed, it's the slot's attachment's visibility which can be keyed as visible / invisible in animations.
    • Whenever an animation is keying attachment visibility as "visible" or "invisible", it will override the visibility state set by any lower tracks. Track 1 overriding track 0. track 2 overriding tracks 1 and 0.
    • When an attachment is keyed by an animation, as soon as the animation ends and mixes to a different animation or the empty animation, it will mix out and properties keyed in the previous animation transition to the value from lower tracks, or to the setup pose value if no lower tracks key the property.
    • There is a big difference between keying an attachment as equally visible as in the setup pose compared to not keying it at all. It may look the same in the Spine Editor when playing a single animation, but when keyed and played on a higher track, it will override lower track visibility. Thus only key attachment visibility if your animation needs to change attachment visibility. E.g. don't key everything in the first frame of your animation.