
  • 25 مارس 2015
  • انضمّ(ت) 19 فبراير 2015

    Thanks! That's a much better solution 😉

    So basically I create a second project in Spine where I only import the normal map images, making sure everything is exactly like the images in the real project. And then I use that to only export the normal map atlas. Sounds like a feasible workaround, but it's a pain to maintain long-term.

    What is the workflow for normal maps?
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like we need to take the atlas generated by Spine, use a tool like Sprite DLight to create a normal map for the entire atlas and (likely) tweak it manually.
    If we later add an image in Spine, the atlas is regenerated and we'll have to create the normal map again?

    It would be great if there was a way to import normal maps into Spine alongside the regular sprites. Either with a file naming scheme, or from a Photoshop file (additional layer group for normal maps or something), and have the export generate a normal map atlas.


    Sure, just PM me your email address!

    @Mitch That didn't change anything, unfortunately. I have disabled and even removed my second (upper body) layer in the Animator, but the issues persist within the Base Layer.

    I just noticed the keys that are dropped are only those that attach an image to a slot. All Scale/Rotate/Translate keyframes are applied just fine.

    Great news! I'm seeing a lot of glitches though with Unity 5.

    For testing purposes, I moved a character to a Mecanim state machine (previously setting/mixing clips in code).

    • I have a non-interruptible transition to a state (player turns from right to left), which then transitions (non-interruptible) to "idle" at normalized Exit Time 1.0 (no other conditions). This animation is not played entirely, it often ends up with frames half-way in the turning movement, as if leaving too early

    • Flipping the skeleton is erratic as well. I can use either
      transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(facing < 0 ? 180 : 0, Vector3.up);
      GetComponent<SkeletonAnimator>().skeleton.FlipX = facing < 0;
      to flip the skeleton for all left-facing states. It was working before moving to Mecanim, but now it's erratic. Almost seems as if the state machine is messing with the FlipX state of the skeleton (or is it the root bone transform / both?)
