Honestly, it's been many years since I've used the script, unfortunately. Unless others have been using it, and keeping it up to date with possible breaking changes in After Effects scripting itself, it may be stale.

- 26 يونيو 2020
- انضمّ(ت) 3 يوليو 2013
I saw that, and had replied right away. Here it is again:
nimai.malle AT gmail DOT com
(Did that email address go through?)
nimai.malle at Gmail dot comSure. Email me at <removed>
I do enjoy this sort of work! I have not used Harmony before, so I do not know what features would be possible to convert. Do you have a sample Harmony project with an animation that is a good example of what you would like to play back using the Spine mobile run-time?
I see you too are running the script from the ExtendScript Toolkit. Did you already try what I wrote in the last post?
Nimai wroteMake sure you have Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions checked!
ExtendScript Toolkit | Debug | ✓ Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions
I'd read conflicting reports on "sprite" rendering performance DOM vs. canvas. Also, a morbid pursuit of maximal browser support. It's likely that canvas is sufficient, but I wanted to know what the options were. Even Internet Explorer 9 supports canvas. Thanks for the reply!
Checking to see if anyone knows of a HTML DOM-only (no Canvas, no WebGL) runtime for Spine.
You do not need to change the script code.
Just make sure the folder is named correctly. This is what my directory looks like:ImagePath6.png
Adobe After Effects Auto-Save
160608_chara001Report.txtThis is probably a bad assumption, but I have it coded to use the project name or composition name with an "-assets" suffix. I did this because my projects were using Photoshop. We use the "Generate | Image Assets" function in Photoshop. This makes a directory ending with "-assets".
My code in the Spine exporter does this:if (this.numCompsSelected > 1) { return this.projName+"-assets/"+attachmentName; } else { return this.activeComp+"-assets/"+attachmentName; }
I should probably change this!
You can see the path for each image in the Spine hierarchy:
Loading Image
Select Images in the heirarchy to see the path for all images:
Loading Image
Loading Image
That is how Spine finds the image:
Loading Image
Your images are in a folder named "(Footage)"
I made a copy of that folder and renamed it to "chara001_idle_ae-assets"Loading Image
In the menu, here:
Loading Image
Also, you could just run the script directly from After Effects, and don't use ExtendScript Toolkit.
I like that idea of listing everything that was found which is not supported! I will look into that.
For apcdytc's error, I believe this is the solution:
You are using the ExtendScript Toolkit.
Make sure you have Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions checked!ExtendScript Toolkit | Debug | ✓ Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions
I got your file, and the script runs fine! I see you are using the ExtendScript Toolkit.
Make sure you have Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions checked!
ExtendScript Toolkit | Debug | ✓ Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions
Please zip up your After Effects project and email it to:
That's strange. The line it's stopped on is inside of a try-catch block...
I can help more if you are able to email me a zip of the After Effects project. I will private message you.Thank you for the information about language settings! Maybe this will help others as well. And, ideally, the script would work in any language.
Regarding a tutorial, you are not the first person to ask for that. I'd hoped someone would make such a tutorial. For now, here's a start. I'll add to this as more users share their experiences here.
I've got to say Thank You for introducing me to Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit! I had no idea there was an interactive debugger. Wonderful!
However, I get no such error as you report.
Additionally, I have spent at least an hour using Google to search for "Not well-formed (invalid token)" as it pertains to Adobe Scripting, and have not found anything useful. It does appear that most people who report such a problem are running Windows, and the script works for others. So I feel there's something environmental causing your issue here, not a bug in the syntax of the script.
I do not have access yet to a Windows environment to do any testing there.
Has anyone out there used this script successfully in Windows After Effects?I should try this on a Windows machine, but I believe the steps are:
- Copy the ae_to_spine.jsx file to the "Scripts" directory under "Adobe After Effects CC 2014" (or 2015, etc.)
- Copy the "lib" directory to the "Scripts" directory as well
In After Effects, click File | Scripts | Run Script File...
Navigate to that "Scripts" directory and open ae_to_spine.jsx
Click [Export] on the UI that appears.I'm afraid I do not have an explanation for the "Not well formed (invalid token)" issues.
I checked the file to see if there were any weird non printable characters or non-UTF8 characters but I didn't find anything. One more thing I should have asked: What operating system are you using when you get this error?