
  • 7 أكتوبر 2021
  • انضمّ(ت) 26 يونيو 2014

    @Mitch : With The new asset pack, The gunman can NOT shoot straight up or straight down, it was flickering. Is that what it supposed to?
    In such case, how do I create animation for gunman to shoot straight up and down ? Thanks

  • according to this topic:Bounding Box Attachment support,I got something wrong to show the bounding box in unity。

    1.First,In the spine editor,I create two bounding box:

    2.Import to unity editor,this two bounding box showed in Inspecotor panel.

    3.I did two step like the tutorial

    4.And there is the question,The bounding box is gray/unavailable.

    Don't know why,whitch step I did wrong?
    :o :o :o enen

    Solved by video of @Mitch in
    Use the BoundingBoxFollower script.
    Let me try more,see why first way is not available.

    @Mitch :
    thank you 🙂

    from the trailer immense changes have been made both in terms of gameplay and visual so VFX 🙂
    I'm looking forward to showing you all that!

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    Mitch wrote

    Ah holy crap I never pushed that patch O_O

    I fixed the lastTime calculation a while back. I'll deal with that a bit later. Sorry. Shows how much I use mecanim for anything ... 😐

    @Mitch I've got the latest versions of spine-csharp & spine-unity.
    But I don't see 'Instantiate' when I right click on SkeletonDataAsset.
    Has something changed?

    Hi guys,
    @Pharan, @Mitch , @[محذوف]
    I can't figure this one out. When I import my Spine animations into unity, I can't see the actual keyframes in the Animation tab. Whats more, I seem to get this "missing Game Object" error.

    Attached is the screenshot. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong here. :bang:
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    @Pharan @Mitch @[محذوف]

    Sorry to necro an old thread. But I'm trying to do the same thing. I'm still very noob with coding and I'm getting errors in Unity

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    I have 2 skin placeholders in Spine. One called "Hat" and another called "Nohat"
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    Here's my code snippet. Can you guys please point out what I'm doing wrong?

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Spine;
    public class testtest : MonoBehaviour {
       public Skeleton _skin;
       void Awake(){
          _skin = new Skeleton (); //this doesn't work.. get a constructor error  
    } void Update () { if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y)) { test (); } } void test(){ _skin.SetSkin ("Hat"); } }

    much thanks! :party:

    Ok I got it working... to answer my own question after digging around. :whew: :whew:

    For those of you that have the same question as myself; here is the way to switch skin placeholders during runtime in Unity.

    If your character is using "SkeletonAnimator.cs", then you need to make sure that script is being assigned in your own script. I got confused thinking I needed to use "Skeleton.cs" in my scripts. Here's the code snippet:

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Spine.Unity; //you need to call this namespace here, as SkeletonAnimator isn't a monobehavior class
    public class testtest : MonoBehaviour {
       public SkeletonAnimator _skel; //the script that lets us change skins during runtime.
       void Awake(){
         _skel = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimator> (); //again make sure your game object is using SkeletonAnimator. If you're using SkeletonAnimation, I assume you change all "SkeletonAnimator" to "SkeletonAnimation". Don't quote my feeble artist brain on this however..
       void Update () {
             test ();
       void test(){
          _skel.skeleton.SetSkin ("Hat"); //SetSkin is a public method from inside Skeleton.CS.. but you can also call it from SkeletonAnimator.. I found that in this thread. [url][/url]

    And thats about it. Now you can change you skin on the fly in game! Yipee! :party: :party:

    Indie love~ Sharing is Carin'!

    Erikari wrote
    Xelnath wrote

    Also, @Mitch's voice was dead smexy. Aww ya!

    What? Where? O: can't believe I missed that!

    He's the narrator in the Spine for Unity videos 😉

    Xelnath wrote

    Also, @Mitch's voice was dead smexy. Aww ya!

    What? Where? O: can't believe I missed that!

    I agree with your assessment! I was a spriter dude for a while, but the level of quality in Spine and the absolutely phenomenal dedication to supporting their community made Spine a slam-dunk for me.

    Also, @Mitch's voice was dead smexy. Aww ya!

  • A question for @Mitch or @badlogic, or anyone who knows the answer...

    I'm trying to find a way to gain access to the vertex tangents array of the mesh in order to calculate the TBN-matrix for proper normal lighting using skinned meshes, but I'm not sure how to do it in a shader with glsl es (using gamemaker studio).

    From this post viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4103
    Mitch said,"... a Skinned mesh that is deformed via weights takes into account the rotation/scale of the most significant bone per vertex to calculate its corresponding tangent."

    I know the above was stated for Unity, but is it possible to gain access to this vertex array information? Especially in an engine that doesn't have pre-built scripts that support 3D like game maker? (I especially need this if I want to increase performance, because currently, the TBN matrix is being calculated in the fragment shader using derivative functions - which is too heavy on the GPU.)

  • This project is simply too good to get lost in development!

    Everything about it is amazing and unique.

    I don't believe you will ever find any other instances of 2d dynamic lighting and specularity working together so perfectly the way they do in this demonstration here.

    The fact that you were able to create shaders that deliver highly complex lighting, but still manage to preserve a very smooth cartoonish/2d graphic style should be considered a great accomplishment that is worth completing for the runtime no matter how difficult the obstacles.

    There are many of us who wouldn't mind if you even released a fraction of the features you described. Many of us just simply wish we could get our hands on that amazing demo file to experiment and play around with.

    @Mitch, I believe it's worth considering (at the very least) to release a small demo file for the community - esp. if it is simply too difficult to complete the full project at the moment (considering that you may be preoccupied with more important matters).

    Thanks for reporting!
    It's weird that they turn into buttons though. I'll have a look.

    Damnit, @Mitch.

    Oh, I get it now. I guess this is what happens when you scale down your GameObject's transform. (I assume that because your level is pixel art).

    Damnit, @Mitch.

    This has nothing to do with the mesh errors though. It's just that those bone overlays are in the way.
    You could collapse the SkeletonUtility component's Inspector temporarily and that would get rid of the bone overlay.

    As an aside, I recommend changing the skeletonJSON scale rather than the GameObject scale. As the json scale is applied at load time and Transform scale is applied every frame. I guess since its effect on performance is also miniscule, it's a matter of taste.

    Ok. Done with my part. I'll keep an eye on my changes for bugs and maintenance.
    @Mitch, you're up.

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    The Mecanim importer hasn't been updated in months. But I don't think it was ever designed to handle when you rename animations because there's really no way to tell, and it would break your references if it did anything like delete old ones or just guess which one is which (which would kind of have insane implementation details), for example, if you had set them up in a state machine or reference in some other script.

    Not too sure how that's supposed to work yet. Will point @Mitch to this thread.

    @Mitch can't wait , )

    soo... any news

    arkhampy wrote

    Hi @Mitch, so then Equipman asset is still coming?

    At this rate its bounded by Spine V3. I really don't feel like maintaining 2 sets of code bases for such a complicated character.

    Hi @Mitch, so then Equipman asset is still coming?

    sorry for the insistence, but I'm really interested in Equipman asset.
    @Mitch, @Nate or @Pharan, Still do not have any estimate date for the Equipman asset?

  • Oh I misunderstood you then. I thought were holding it back because of new Spine 3 features.

    @Mitch can you post all the animations, so I get an idea if this is for me (and so worth waiting for)?