
  • 10 أكتوبر 2024
  • انضمّ(ت) 13 مارس 2018
    • تم التحرير

    Hi there I tried the last beta version , and checked with other colleagues, and the thing is that in the dope sheet when u select a bone and want to delete only one key of that bone selected, it deletes the keyframes from all the others as well (even though the lock key button is activated) it keeps deleting the keys from all the other non selected bones

    I'm woriking on a mac version of spine.



    Hi there, here´s a little clip of the animation process I´m doing for a short film project.

    Hope you like it!


    • تم التحرير
    • تم التحرير

    Hi there guys, hope you are fine.

    I was wondering, wouldn't be great if we have a 'ADD KEYFRAMES' button to create an END keyframe from already existing frames on the timeline.

    This could be useful when you finish and 'animation' and you need to continue that animation in another separated 'animation',
    I have to 'complete' the blank spaces on the timeline by hand copying and pasting.

    It would be nice to have a button that creates all the unexisting frames from the last keyframe put there.



    That bone controls the pony tail overlapping, the top one is for the front hair overlapping




    • تم التحرير

    Hi everyone, trying new stuff with some complex rigging. Hope you like it



    Cool, thanks for the response Shiu



    • تم التحرير

    Hi you there, Happy new year to everyone!

    I was wondering... Wouldn't be cool if you have the chance to export animations from the preview window?, so if the animation is separated by tracks, be available to export (at least as a preview sample) the whole composed animation into one mov file or gif...

    Just a sugession.....




    Hi everyone, I've been experimenting rigging with constraints, but this time on an animation background.

    The goal was try to imitate a 3D camera movement from a 2D illustration. Then I put some post on it.

    Hope you like it,

    Best, :happy:


    The process:

    Finished scene:

    • تم التحرير
    • تم التحرير

    Hi guys, good day to you there.

    I was wondering as a suggestion, wouldn't be cool if (don't know if it's possible) :

    1- when importing sprites (data file from photoshop script) after a project already done, like if I want to add new things or new animation sequences, wouldn't be cool an option of importing only the images organized without making an skeleton? just add tha tnew data into the skeleton you are already working on.....

    2- A slight highlight selection on the dopesheet that remarks what you are selecting (already does that but I mean with the color of the element selected: size/red position/blue...etc)

    3- this one I think would be an excellent option: the posibility of increase the size of some bones only manually, for instance for make important bones stand out from the rest, like for controllers, or just for separate heads, hips, etc from the skeletons and give them a visual importance when animating (Now, only you can change the size of the bones into the scale settings but I mean a choice to make it manual for self preferences)

    4- A way of re direction folders like for several images, now you can set the direction folder and subfolder, but in case something is 'changed' in the folder option later on (like not having to give each drawing the path manually and select the images that needs to be change the path all at once).

    5- When working with more than an skeleton, an option for not showing them in the dopesheet if you don't want to see the keys only the image. Now if 2 skeletons are activated shows both dope sheets (although you are working in one) and if you dont want to see the keframes of other skeleton but see the character on the window, meanning a way of personalize what skeleton to show on the dopesheet eventhough both are activated.

    So, those things crossed my mind and wanted to let you know....

    By the way, I posted this on another plae tha tI think it was wrong, so re posting it here, sorry :whew:



    Jb-. :sun:

    hahahaha people trees! 😃

    • تم التحرير

    Some character rig with transform constraints. Testing some things regarding subtle expressions. :hi:

    Hope you like it.



    Yes, well at least , ' cause didn't let me check other things because it crashes..

    Thanks Erikari!