Thank you guys for answering! I ended up doing as suggested and just have the visibility toggle based upon the players direction. The animations are all children of a gameobject and it works perfectly!

- 26 مارس 2021
- انضمّ(ت) 20 أبريل 2015
- تم التحرير
I have just got into Unity fairly recently (I have alot of experience animating and coding in Gamemaker with spine) and have been working on implementing some of my spine animations. I've been trying to look online to answer all of my programming related questions but am quite frankly not finding many solutions. Or maybe im just not experienced enough in Unity to understand the answers I am finding.
Anyways my first question is if it is possible for me to swap out a skeleton for another via code. This is fairly straightforward in something like gamemaker. Basically I have 3 skeletons, a down, side and up version (kind of like a classic topdown zelda game) and each of these skeletons have 3 animations so far. (Walk, Idle & Run) Animation switching and blending works as I would expect. But how on earth would I switch the skeleton out?
If so can you point me in the correct direction?One last question. Also how would you go about flipping a skeleton? Thank you all in advance!
- تم التحرير
I am currently working on a project for a client where I have an animation that is intended to be a sort of thank you message. The animation is meant to be loaded and played in html5. Within the message I am wanting to load an image dynamically (this would be a photo or something attached by the sender) from a url and then I want to attach the image to a bone/slot within the animation. This way it appears as if it is part of the animation itself. I am also wanting to do the same with some text provided by the sender. I am wanting to know if this is possible? If so how would I go about doing this? Could I use the spine web plater to achieve this? I literally close to nothing about html5 so I am really lost on that end of things.
I feel like it would be pretty straightforward in terms of attaching the image but I dont know specifically as I do not code in html5. I'm trying to offer solutions for the code end and so far we dont seem to be on the same page.
If those of you who reply could provide some examples that would be great!
- تم التحرير
I am currently working on a project where I have animated a animatic that is intended to be a sort of thank you message. The animation is meant to be loaded and played in html5. Within the message I am wanting to load an image dynamically (this would be different depending on who is sending the message) from a url and then I want to attach the image to a bone/slot within the animation. This way it appears as if it is part of the animation itself. I am also wanting to do the same with some text provided by the sender. I am wanting to know if this is possible? If so how would I go about doing this?
I feel like it would be pretty straightforward in terms of attaching the image but I dont know specifically as I do not code in html5. I'm trying to offer solutions for the code end and so far we dont seem to be on the same page.
If those of you who reply could provide some examples that would be great!
Thanks for replying!
This is from the output window. am only using the 3.6 version as that is what I reverted back to in an attempt to get the animations loaded into Gamemaker. Before that I had updated to the latest version of spine. Ive tried various versions of spine but had to import the data into that version so I could export the animations from that version. I was told on reddit that wouldnt work so im kind of at a loss of what to do at this point.
As a test I exported a previously working animation at 3.6.45
I am getting the same errors in the output window and the error popup. am not sure why its doing this. According to the working json I just imported it was the same version.
For anyone having a similar problem I got it working by going into the texture packer settings and resetting them to the default values.I recently moved back to developing my game in gamemaker studio 2 after a period of developing my game in Unity. However I have encountered a problem where I get an error while attempting to import my hero into the project.
Keep in mind that I had previously used these animations and they had worked fine although this wasa year or two ago. Initially I just assumed it was due to using a newer version of spine with gamemaker so I reverted to spine version 3.6.53 and imported the spine data. I am using gamemaker version
Both full versions are purchased as well.Ive tried a variety of potential fixes with no luck.
- Deleted all the meshes
- Cleared out all the animations
- Made sure there was no shearing key'd
- Double and triple checked the export settings
- I even created test animations with meshes, shearing, weighted meshes and the test animations all imported and ran successfully in gamemaker. (which is odd as I had heard shearing wouldnt work, I didnt use shearing anyway in my animations but thought maybe I did somewhere by mistake)
For whatever reason I just cannot get these existing animations to import. Maybe im missing something as I am no expert but if anyone has any idea on how to fix this I would be incredibly grateful.
Thank you in advance!
Im getting this error in the output window of gamemaker. Could there be an error because spine has changed how the jsons are wrote in newer version which reverting to previous versions wont fix? تم التحرير
Email has been sent!
I was curious how I would download the installer if I dont have access to the original email I used when downloading it the first time?Hello Everyone,
Ive been using spine for some time and just recently started learning about Game Maker Studio 2. I imported an animation to just test things out and everything appeared fine. The image looked about right in the preview screen besides some slight pixelation. I went ahead and messed around with some of the frame rate and tested the project. Everything still appeared normal. I wanted to fix the outlines on the pieces of the hero and based on my previous experience this is usually due to premultiply alpha being selected.
So I went back into spine and changed the export settings so pre-multiply alpha was not selected. I then exported it. I then deleted the "sprite" in game maker and then imported the new one. This time the pixelation was gone and the image was much crisper in the preview window. However when I ran the project I saw that the images were all messed up. been messing around with the export settings in spine for an hour and cannot figure out what ive done wrong. Ive changed the spine version to an older one and nothing appears to be working.
I would really appreciate it if one of you could let me know what mistake I may be making. Im guessing it something in the export settings but I cant seem to figure it out.
Here is what I have set currently.
Sorry for double posting. I spent some time exploring the settings a bit more and it seems you need to have power of two checked. So hopefully if your having trouble like I was then this will help you sort it out a little faster then I did.
Here are the settings im currently using and everything seems to be in working order! تم التحرير
Thanks for the response. I think we are closer to figuring this out. The skins system is a bit strange so I actually thought I could only use skins for something like clothes only and I would not be able to combine skins.
I separated it out so now the sword, shield & clothes have skins as well. My thoughts are that I can select a skin for the clothes and then also select a skin to activate the sword or shield. One question? How do we go about setting multiple skins at once?
Right now it seems we can only activate one at a time and it automatically makes the others inactive.
- Pharan wrote
- Are you using Spine 3.5? Are you using SkeletonAnimation? Both your problems with the mouth and the foot should be fixed in 3.5 (rather than manually handled as it needed to be before).
Im using 3.5.46 and skeleton animation
Pharan wrote2. How are you doing equips? The recommended way is to use a runtime-created and runtime-managed skin, and the animations pull the correct attachments from the skin instead of you setting them all the time.
Currently skins are used for clothing. So we have normal cloths, clothing2,clothing3 ect. If I added weapons on top of that wouldn't it effect the clothing? I'm not sure how we would even manage it if we added weapons on top of it unless it somehow didn't effect the clothing. Not to mention what would we do if we wanted to just change out parts like a helmet apposed to the characters entire clothing set.
- تم التحرير
Hello Everyone,
I am posting today because we are having all sorts of unforeseen issues with the implementation of spine into Unity. First of all we are developing a game that is a top down Zelda like adventure title which means that we have 3 perspectives for each character in the game. The character skeleton is also fairly complex as well. Not to mention we have a lot of weapons, armor and various equipment to change for the players character. Here is an example below. of the most prominent issues we are having is when we "equip" or "un-equip"equipment (weapons/items that you visually see the character holding) . A good example of this is if we try to change the sword sprite. The animation will change the sprite back to the original sword and over-ride any code that may be put into place. It would be of great help if we could figure out how we can swap out graphics efficiently and not have to battle against the animation system constantly.
When we mix animations together it doesn't seem to work properly. For example when the player attacks the players mouth will open like he is yelling. When we return to the idle pose his mouth will stay opened despite the mouth closing during the last few frames of the attack animation. :bang: Or when the hero jumps and lands on the ground he will close his eyes before opening them. When the jump/land mixes back to idle his eyes are closed despite them returning to opened in the jump animation.
This happens in several instances and its quite frustrating.Ive also noticed in some situations that when we change animations the draw order doesn't seem to update as it should. For example when the hero runs his foot will be moved so its in front of the leg but it is behind it during the idle animation. But for some reason when the player returns to idle the foot will remain drawn over the leg and its just a glaring issue.
I'm guessing others have had to have ran into similar issues and may be able to offer their input.
- تم التحرير
I just updated spine and see that x & y flipping of bones is no longer supported? Why is this? It seemed to work perfectly before and now I have a handful of animations im going to have to redo/fix.Is there any plans for this to come back or an elegant way to fix the issue?