That's really nice
Do you have a mail address, Skype or the such where we can discuss some commissions more in detail?
That's really nice
Do you have a mail address, Skype or the such where we can discuss some commissions more in detail?
Hello there!
I wanted to ask you a couple questions, if you don't mind
Mainly, what art styles are you comfortable with? And do you do any work on backgrounds by any chance, or just sprite animation? Do you do commissions?
Thanks in advance!
Of course! I wish I could pay for full-time work, but it's out of my reach right now.... it's one of my goals though! But for now, gotta start from the bottom :whew:
Anyway, I wanted to ask you: what graphical styles are you comfortable with? Do you have any other work I could check out? Maybe give me your e-mail address so I can send you some concept art and early work done for the game - then you can see if it's something up your alley.
Hello there, sorry for the late reply!
It's sprites for an independent game I'm working on, based on greek mythology. It's been hard to find commited people, specially since it's a small project funded by myself, but that doesn't stop me from asking
I can hit you with more details if that's OK with you.
Hello there!
I was wondering if you had a tentative price list or something like the sort? Do you take commissions by any chance?
Any information is welcome. Thanks! :hi:
I had a pretty talented collaborator starting to do some work for me, but he had some serious health issues and had to be hospitalized :sweat: ... so he won't be able to continue.
Also, of course! Paid commissions
Do you have Skype, or a mail where we can talk in more detail? Thanks in advance!
Hi! First of all, your fighting game is looking sweet. You're exceptionally talented. I wanted to ask you, and sorry if I'm overstepping here, if you were available for some Spine animation commissions?
That's top notch stuff. Each thread I open I get more impressed. Did you do those yourself?
EDIT: Scratch that. Just noticed the guy is a legend :rofl:
Dude, that intro animation is epic... everything is looking sweet, actually. And a fighting game, no less! That's a big challenge from both an artistic and programming perspective.
Those models are pretty nice. Are they just tests? Or will they serve a higher purpose?
That's awesome, man. Loved Darkwing Duck as a kid, and really enjoyed Wayforward's Duck Tales remaster. This is something that needs to happen! (And please consider putting it on Vita, love that platform even if most of the west doesn't)
Hello there!
I was wondering if you were open for some animation work? I need someone with the Spine know-how for an independent 2D platformer / RPG I'm working on, and boy, you really know your stuff . My budget's a bit limited, specially after trying many animators with not so good results
... but I'm always willing to make the effort for quality material like yours
Please let me know if you're available, you'd be a lifesaver for this project!
That looks awesome, man. Out of this world! Love how it feels like the turkey has actual volume