• Showcase
  • Bounty Battle [2D fighting game]

Great job!!!

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10 أيام لاحقا

Dude, that intro animation is epic... everything is looking sweet, actually. And a fighting game, no less! That's a big challenge from both an artistic and programming perspective.

8 أشهر لاحقا

im a bit late on this but how is the development going so far?

2 أشهر لاحقا


6 أشهر لاحقا

Awesome dude! I'm trying to make a FTG by spine too, may i ask you some question please?
Due to the EITR's heroine, i found the heroine will swap to the back side while slashing in some of her animation, are you just simply swap the sprite or seperate them into a new single skeleton to perform it?

2 أشهر لاحقا

You should include combat sounds in the gameplay demos if you have them. It'll give a more tactile feeling for the viewer, which is important for a fighting game.

8 أشهر لاحقا

That looks nice! 🙂 I am interesting in this tomb character with electric effect. Did you do it with masks?
Only thing which I'm afraid of are so often and strong lighting effects. It may cover up very much whole characters and players may have problems to have clear sight on the battlefield which may cause less tactic and reflex, more randomly fights.

@Mitch :
thank you 🙂

from the trailer immense changes have been made both in terms of gameplay and visual so VFX 🙂
I'm looking forward to showing you all that!

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شهر واحد لاحقا

so sick!!!

I have a question about this smoke. How did you make it so dinamic in Spine ? Did you use several smaller textures with the same colour?
Lightings are probably on meshes, fast moving changes but I have no idea how did you make smoke 🙂