• Runtimes
  • [Unity] Editor Integration Improvements

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So... I've been pretty busy hacking away at the Unity Editor side of Spine-Unity. My plan is to release this stuff under MIT license after it matures a little bit and give full permission to Esoteric Software to include it in the official runtime.

But first... I'd love to hear some community thoughts on what features you'd like to see! Please reply and request anything you'd like added and I'll put it on the TODO list.

Root Motion Computation


Really cool stuff 🙂 hopefully we can dig into it soon.

There is no digging.
Only Spine-Unity on steroids.

Private video 😉

Shiu wrote

Private video 😉


Very cool! 😃

Incredible improvement, i just can't wait when you finish this stuff! :S

Rayvell wrote

Incredible improvement, i just can't wait when you finish this stuff! :S

I think it's probably best for me to wait for Nate to finish up the IK Constraint support before I publish everything to the public runtime branch as I did have to modify some core SpineCSharp classes (not just Unity specific stuff). Once I clean up a few more things I'll probably throw a super alpha up somewhere - but it'll be divergent from the main spine runtimes.

Speaking of which...

https://github.com/Fenrisul/spine-runti ... ensions.cs

This exists now if anyone wants it. Simple extension classes for a few things to integrate better with Color, Color32, Vector2 and Vector3. Pull request has been submitted for Nate to merge.

This looks incredible! Following!

This looks great, can't wait to get my hands on it.

Faster import process. Should've made a Vine.

The auto-import from this video is in there too.

Can't wait for this.... its everything I've been wanting and needing. Have had to try and hack a solution together for ragdoll and such. Hope this progresses quickly!

The skeleton utility script looks amazing Mitch, thanks for all the work. Can't wait to try it!

Snazzlebot wrote

The skeleton utility script looks amazing Mitch, thanks for all the work. Can't wait to try it!

It's comin 🙂 I'm probbbbably going to wait for IK support from Nate just to keep the codebase nice n' clean. Maybe they'll come out at the same time :think:

In other news Pharan made this for my birthday today.

Totally nailed the caricature hahah... :rofl:

Extra big shout out to Mitch for some incredible work on helping me create a gun controller for my spine skeleton using the awesomeness of IK. (Can't wait to have this all integrated with the spine runtimes!)

Check out a sample here: http://youtu.be/KxpVBFeHNCo