That looks like what I need, I'll give it a shot once I get home in a little bit. Thanks
On a side note, is there any chance that Spine will support simple geometry like circles and capsules as an attachment so that this data can be designed with the animation in spine rather that having to implement it in some things like the runtime editor? It would be fine to implement the collider stuff involved runtime side, but the actual shapes and there position and rotation spine side.
Similar to this image from smash bros

I know there is the bounding box already but from my understanding it is much less performant to use more complex shapes to test for collisions. Plus it needs to create GameObjects in unity to follow the bones, which is another performance heavy operation.
At present I am just having an event notify unity that a hotbox is active and then grabbing a hotbox bone location. Then taking that location and doing a Physics2D.OverlapCirlce with the location and unity side data for the size and angle(for capsules). I'd like to be able to design the size and angle data in Spine, but for now I am just making a tool in unity to do so.
Sorry for the lengthy explanation and thank you for your support and help.