• Editor
  • Timeline for Animations

Is it possible that one day we can have ability to create a sequence/parallel of existing animations in Preview or in SkeletonViewer?

like this: run-x6 -> idle-x3 -> attack-x1

Just to get an idea how it may look in the game. to achieve more natural behavior.

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  • تم التحرير

Yep, we'd like to implement that! It is likely easiest done as a Record button in Preview: click Record, change various animations on whichever tracks, and then stop recording. Recordings would be saved in a list and playing one back would use the same timing as when you recorded.

    Nate wrote

    Yep, we'd like to implement that!

    Good to hear that

    6 أعوام لاحقا

    Nate Did you implement something for recording animation sequences ?

      SpineUser13 Unfortunately, we have not yet begun work on this. There is an issue ticket on this subject here and this ticket will be updated if any progress is made: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor371