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Hi guys, good day to you there.
I was wondering as a suggestion, wouldn't be cool if (don't know if it's possible) :
1- when importing sprites (data file from photoshop script) after a project already done, like if I want to add new things or new animation sequences, wouldn't be cool an option of importing only the images organized without making an skeleton? just add tha tnew data into the skeleton you are already working on.....
2- A slight highlight selection on the dopesheet that remarks what you are selecting (already does that but I mean with the color of the element selected: size/red position/blue...etc)
3- this one I think would be an excellent option: the posibility of increase the size of some bones only manually, for instance for make important bones stand out from the rest, like for controllers, or just for separate heads, hips, etc from the skeletons and give them a visual importance when animating (Now, only you can change the size of the bones into the scale settings but I mean a choice to make it manual for self preferences)
4- A way of re direction folders like for several images, now you can set the direction folder and subfolder, but in case something is 'changed' in the folder option later on (like not having to give each drawing the path manually and select the images that needs to be change the path all at once).
5- When working with more than an skeleton, an option for not showing them in the dopesheet if you don't want to see the keys only the image. Now if 2 skeletons are activated shows both dope sheets (although you are working in one) and if you dont want to see the keframes of other skeleton but see the character on the window, meanning a way of personalize what skeleton to show on the dopesheet eventhough both are activated.
So, those things crossed my mind and wanted to let you know....
By the way, I posted this on another plae tha tI think it was wrong, so re posting it here, sorry :whew:
Jb-. :sun:
Hello Jorge!
where would you like them to be imported? root? a specific bone? what if some names are duplicates?
We're actually still considering a better workflow to add new assets to already rigged characters in Spine, so all feedback is welcome.This is interesting, but why would you want it? Do you get confused by what you selected?
what if you select multiple keys of different kind? would the selection be white? Is the color of the keys not enough in the dopesheet?About this, I wonder what Nate would think, I can see why you think it would be useful, but I wonder how tricky it would be to implement it.
I remind you that you can change the color and alpha of the bones, as well as the icons to make some bones stand out more than others, and in the settings you can change the size of all of the bones at once.With find and replace you can change the path of the images you selected all at once.
Usually, if you have two skeletons active, you'll see the keys of only the selected one. You can also hide the other skeleton to have no interference at all. On the contrary, it's impossible to show keys from both skeletons at the same time in the dopesheet, so this request confuses me slightly.
The place is fine, thanks for the suggestions!