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Workflow question: using .psd script to add layers to rig
Hi guys!
I wonder if there's an easy way/workflow to add detail (new layers) to a .psd file, then export using the script, and make that art appear in the correct position on in Spine?
I feel like I should explain my situation more, so here goes:
I made a character (it's in a properly layered .psd)
used the script to export it, along with a .json
imported the .json into Spine
created bones, meshes, and finished the rig
now I want to add detail layers to the .psd
and the question is: how do I export/import the new layers, so they appear in Spine at the correct coordinates and draw order (if that's even possible).
(Right now I'd export them using the script, they would appear in the folder and be visible in Spine, I'd drag them into the scene, position manually in the scene and draw order).
Thanks, and have a great day
Hi Booboogaga!
The easiest way to add a bunch of layers positioned correctly is to re-export the json with the Photoshop script. (make sure to have set the same ruler origin in Photoshop so that they won't appear in a different position!) then you re-import the images in Spine as a new skeleton, you can select the new slots and drag them into the first skeleton, you'll have to manually set the draw order but at least you don't have to drag them one by one.
In the future we might support adding new layers to slots already in use in Spine, but for now this is one of the fastest way to do it.
Thanks, I'll try that. It does save some time.