• Editor
  • Sorry, the server could not be contacted


I have a problem with first run.
It seems a problem in firewall. I'm use windows 10 , I have disabled firewall and windows defender. I have added a rule for the Spine.exe.

I have already second day tryed run spine... please help me 🙂 what I do wrong


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  • تم التحرير

Sorry you are having trouble. The server is definitely up, so there's a problem with your networking. Do you use a proxy server? If not, something must be blocking Spine from contacting esotericsoftware.com.


Yes, something blocks Spine but I can't find what is it..
No, I'm not use proxy server 🙂

Are you sure you don't have other firewalls active?

You might try this program, it may give you more insight into Windows firewall:

Though, if you disabled Windows firewall and Spine is still blocked reaching esotericsoftware.com, then it is likely other software. Oh, do you have a hosts file setting for esotericsoftware.com? That can be a problem. Please post your Spine log:
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\spine.log
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/spine.log
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/spine.log

Program did not help.

Yes, I have hosts settings for esotericsoftware.com: esotericsoftware.com
I thing that the problem in my internet provider, I can't connect to esotericsoftware.com without hosts settings , but I can connect to ru.esotericsoftware.com (I'm from Ukraine). In the same time I can be able connect and start spine from my home computer where another provider.

Log file has already attached.


Spine probably logs an error and does not run if you have esotericsoftware.com in the hosts file.

If you can't connect to esotericsoftware.com without a hosts file, then it could be a problem with your DNS server. I'd suggest changing your DNS server, eg to (Google's DNS). If that works, you can use DNS Bench to find the best DNS server for you.

Yes, I tried change DNS to another but it doesn't help. Also, I tried remove settings from host and it also doesn't help.... all time the firewall was disabled.
it seems not destiny)


3 أعوام لاحقا

Uninstalling, downloading the newest version and installing it, fixed this issue for me.