• Editor
  • Hidden keyframes on timeline?

Hi, sometimes when I delete a latest block of key frames from timeline, the editor show me that the end of animation still at the same frame. For example I have a 10 frame animation, select frames from 5 to 10 and delete, still show me the end of animation is at frame 10 (also trying to expand all dopesheet frames with the button). :think:

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Try pressing the spacebar to unselect everything, so you can check if there are actually no more keys left (:

Erikari wrote

Try pressing the spacebar to unselect everything, so you can check if there are actually no more keys left (:

isn't the same pressing "esc" key?

Yes it is, to quote Nate:

You can press spacebar, escape, or double click to deselect.

2 أعوام لاحقا

I've run into an issue a couple of times where I delete a keyframe, but Spine seems to think there is still one there. I've attached an image. There was 1 keyframe at frame 25, I deleted it but the red dot remains in the dopesheet. Exports will also include those extra frames, even though there is no keyframe at frame 25.

This happens occasionally, and I haven't been able to find a fix for it. The only way I've found to fix the issue is to completely recreate the animation, which (at this point in this project) would be a MASSIVE undertaking. I have 80+ skins, most with special keyframes on this animation.

Does anyone have any ideas? Anyone else encountered this bug?

Hello redrumhead!
If Spine thinks that there are some keys there, they most likely are there!
Are you sure you don't have a dopesheet filter active? Dopesheet - Spine User Guide: Filter
Do you have some hidden bones in the tree?

Copying and pasting an animation shouldn't be a problem regardless of the number of skins you have, as the keys should all be in that animation. Are you using a lot of direct deformations? Since you have a great number of skins, you should consider using Linked Meshes instead Meshes - Spine User Guide: Linked meshes or control these meshes through bones maybe.

Hi there!

No, I don't have any dopesheet filters active or any hidden bones. And yes, I am using many linked meshes. But many of the character skins in this project have custom elements. Some of these elements are also linked meshes but many are not. So it's a lot of work to go through and redo animations for all of those elements.

This has happened to me in a few different Spine files. Most of them weren't as complex as this one and I can confirm that I had no filter or hidden bones in those instances either. However, I can't seem to recreate this issue consistently. However, each time that it has happened, it was when I added an extra keyframe to the end of an animation, usually on the root bone (I do this sometimes to export a gif with a bit of padding at the end of an animation, so when it loops, it animates then "pauses" at the end to see the final pose). So far that's all the details I've discovered.