• Editor
  • 3.7.00-beta released - Audio!

Currently only AVI has audio. It is always output, there are no options yet.

The video doesn't play? Some players choke on valid video files. Have you tried a different player? This one is good (better than VLC nowadays):

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Nate wrote

Currently only AVI has audio. It is always output, there are no options yet.

The video doesn't play? Some players choke on valid video files. Have you tried a different player? This one is good (better than VLC nowadays):

Ah I see.

I tried it on your suggested player, VLC, and windows media player and none worked.

Your player gave an error saying the file existed but didn't contain any video information.

24 أيام لاحقا

It's true, but we've unfortunately been caught up in a myriad of other things. I can assure you our days are full of work, and then some! The beta is available for use now. It is not necessary to wait for the official 3.7 release.

Nate wrote

It's true, but we've unfortunately been caught up in a myriad of other things. I can assure you our days are full of work, and then some! The beta is available for use now. It is not necessary to wait for the official 3.7 release.

thanks, with google i just find the changelog
Spine: Changelog

I thought it had not really changed in the last 10 months !, what your blog give show.
I am happy to see that it moves a lot.

25 أيام لاحقا

Whoa, what the heck? You guys have been working on adding audio in the editor for almost a year now and I had no idea? Wow. Shows how well I've been keeping up with things. If it releases soon it may come in handy for the menus in my game.

Hey, now all you need is a way to crop video exports and Spine could be a simple video animation software on the side.

it remains that if you take a look at github, there are plenty of developers who developed a audio API in only few months, and for free ans in solo !!!.
The reason for my complaint is that the software costs me 400$ CAD and that there is a lot of improvement to make and a lot of promise.
As a developer I am aware and know compatibility problems, but I think that everybody is very much expecting the next update.

I take into consideration that the team is looking to be compatible with as much of "frameWork" as possible, which is a freak lot of work!
Personally and by logic, I do not work with the betas, so I wait until the next stable update.

Audio is a big wait, but also a export engine similar to TexturePacker, and also compatibility with normalMap management.
i dont like the exporter for now,
but for now i very love how spine work

also youtube tutorial video...
it very awesome to have Broadcasted live on Twitch with 4 Hours from Erika.
But dev need a short video and a pro video tutorial editing with pro editing to learn fast.
Also Erika tell me , >4houre video we don't have subtitles from youtube , so we can translate and it hard to understand..
i great video tutorial are between 3 to 20 min

21 أيام لاحقا

3.7 looks very promising. We relay on Spine to create both player animations and cutscenes. Audio sync allow us to work on cutscenes and match the soundtrack precisely. Looking forward for 3.7 to land on an final release.

شهر واحد لاحقا

How stable is the new beta version? I'd love to use the new export functions but also don't want to have to keep switching back and forth between the beta and production versions.

Hi there, first of all thanks for your software, it works for me like no other. I finally managed to make an account for the forums to participate.

I just made a little project with the newest beta to try out Stretch IK's. Everything works fine, but if I'm trying to export it to JSON, it creates a JSON string, but produces an error by packing the texture, calling "string index out of range: -1". Never seen that one before. Any ideas? The previous beta I used was 3.7.19 and it worked as far as I know, but this error also occurs for me when I try to export the example spine boy.

@PuppyPuppyPuppy @edshafer The new beta will most likely need a couple of iterations to make sure the new export options are all working 100%. A lot of the export stuff was redone by Nate.
Any export/packing errors should be fixed pretty quickly, my best guesstimate is that there will be a new version up within the next couple of days.

5 أيام لاحقا


Awesome! Export works again and runs in the unity 3.6 runtime.

Can you guys focus back on improving the editor UI to make the workflow better after the audio support?
There are lots of good suggestions by the community over the years and lots of them are IMO very critical but still not implemented.
I found myself spending lots of time doing things that could be avoid if many of the suggested ideas got implemented.

Certainly! We do improvements all the time, even while working on audio, the new export, etc. It's true there are many things that would help various workflows, it's just a matter of time until we can get to everything. If you come across something that is not captured on our task tracker, please start a new thread to make new suggestions.

17 أيام لاحقا

I can`t open spine-runtimes-3.7 spine-ue4 project ,

What version of UE4 are you using? What operating system are you using? What IDE? What error do you get?

19 أيام لاحقا

Hi Guys!
Tell me please when will be released the official version 3.7?
Projects with which we work in 3.7 beta, do not open with version 3.6
why? How can we resolve this problem? :bang:

Thank you!

3.7 is 99% done. There is one more minor feature to complete, other than that once we've decided it is stable enough, it will be released as non-beta. 3.6 can't open 3.7 projects because 3.7 has features that 3.6 doesn't know about. You can try exporting to JSON with 3.7, then loading that with 3.6. Though the bigger the difference in versions, the less likely this will work.

Thank u very much for reply.

Another question.. We exported the project in version 3.7.36 to json format, the mesh animation does not work as it should in spine-cocos2dx 3.6. can you fix this issue? or we should wait next version of cocos? 🙂

Thank u!

Exporting mesh deformations seems to have broke in 3.7.36-beta. Prior versions (at least 3.7.32-beta and older) meshes would export with linear interpolation, now they export 'stepped' given the same spine file.