A question for @Mitch or @badlogic, or anyone who knows the answer...
I'm trying to find a way to gain access to the vertex tangents array of the mesh in order to calculate the TBN-matrix for proper normal lighting using skinned meshes, but I'm not sure how to do it in a shader with glsl es (using gamemaker studio).
From this post viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4103
Mitch said,"... a Skinned mesh that is deformed via weights takes into account the rotation/scale of the most significant bone per vertex to calculate its corresponding tangent."
I know the above was stated for Unity, but is it possible to gain access to this vertex array information? Especially in an engine that doesn't have pre-built scripts that support 3D like game maker? (I especially need this if I want to increase performance, because currently, the TBN matrix is being calculated in the fragment shader using derivative functions - which is too heavy on the GPU.)