• Bugs
  • Scale+compensate not working as expected

  • تم التحرير
17 أيام لاحقا

It seems as if the compensating of scaling isn't working correctly anymore.

When I scale a bone on only one axis (with compensate on) the contrary scale of the child bone/image seems to be too much. (see image below) I don't think, this is supposed to work like this ;-)

Works fine if I scale both axis at the same time though.

No comment of the developers on this? 🙁

I think what you want to do is disable inherit scale on the child bone, then animate scale on both of them, if you want.

This new type of scale was introduced in 3.0 for increased flexibility. Blog: Spine 3.0.00 released
But the other side of this is that a scale on different axes cannot be compensated for by just another scale. The math behind it doesn't work out.
Compensating it with a combination of rotation and shear could be done but that would make a mess of keys and. It's better to just disable inherit scale if you don't want it, or also don't use compensate when you are using scale.

Thank you for the answer.

I would want to disable inherit scale of the child bone if I wanted it to not scale as it's parent in every animation. But when I want this behaviour just in one particular animation I wouldn't ;-) (That's how I came to this porblem.)

Well I guess I have to bite the bullet and manually shear and scale the child bone then.