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  • AS3 and Starling runtimes available

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6 أيام لاحقا

Firstly this is such a good tool, I'm loving it, congratulation on its creation

In the AS3 example you've supplied how would I go about changing the skins?

Tried using a similar syntax to the Java example (setSkin) but no luck.


Thanks! 🙂


		skeletonAnimationSprite.skeleton.skinName = "skin name";

How I do to export to starling?

Spine exports to JSON or binary. You use the spine-starling runtime from github to load the data and render your skeletons.

Use this:

I will do documentation as soon as I'm done with the 2D Toolkit runtime. Until then, with the above you should be able to export from Spine and create an atlas, then replace the Starling example files with your own. You'll be well on your way to putting it in your game at that point.

Remember if you use http://texturepacker.com/ (Texture Packer) to set the data format to LibGDX.


Thank you for the informations!