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  • Exporting GIFs through spine Question

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I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I'm having trouble exporting my run cycle into a gif. The issue is with the FPS portion of the export, i've tried exporting it at 15 30 and 60 fps, and the gif all the gifs are choppy, and depending on the fps the animation varies with how slow it is compared to the original. How do I export what I see on screen when I press play and make the gif exactly the same?

Try exporting with 50.

I did a little blog post on browsers and gif framerates here: http://pharanpostsartndevtrivia.tumblr.com/post/126581964275/how-is-an-animated-gifs-time-delay-between
gifs store framerates as whole number centisecond (0.01 second) frame delays.
1 means 10 milliseconds (theoretically 100fps but browsers round this up so it ends up super slow).
2 means 20 milliseconds (50fps).
Whole numbers means nothing is between 1 and 2. So there's no such thing as 60 fps gifs.

Thanks Pharan, this was def a good read, but now I'm just wonder, what do most people put in for FPS when they export a gif through spine?

I don't think we have those numbers. Why do you ask?

Just wondering how a lot of ppl in the showcase has super fluid and smooth gifs of their animation. Loops are more tedious to render in loops compared to a gif loop

basically how does everyone else export their gifs and what fps do they enter.

I guess you could wait for people to chime in with what they use.

Here are samples of spineboy running: http://imgur.com/a/DwzqK

Note that exporting at 50 fps also makes the timing correct.
A 30fps gif causes the animation to play slightly faster than it's supposed to be. (tested in Firefox and Chrome)

thats a really cool comparison. Thanks for taking the time to do that