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Issue with Spine exports
I'm having an issue with my exports. Did this for awhile it was perfectly fine, now with some models exports turn out to be all messed up in Unity. Here are few screenshots on how I export and what it shows up as in Unity. Anything I miss in settings?
iOS build target? If so, turn off compression on the texture.
It would also help if you enabled the wireframe. The option is on the upper left of Scene view.
Thanks Pharan, yes iOS is the target, don't see where compression turns off... can you be more specific? thanks much
Select the .png file in project view. Your Inspector should show the import options for that png/texture. Make sure it's not compressed.
I think it should say "Truecolor" or something.
The limitation here is that iOS build target does not support compressed, not-POT, non-square textures.
So you either have to make the texture a POT-square, or disable compression. For sprites, disabling compression is the go-to option anyway.
Are you new to Unity?
I'm not even new to Unity I don't work in Unity at all. I am providing animations for dev who deals with in Unity. He came back to me with this saying that this is Spine export issue most likely, since other models seem to be fine.
Ok, so compression is option is on Unity side right? Spine exports should be fine looks like..
03 Aug 2015, 15:06
Here's the screen from Unity http://prntscr.com/808w6k Compression isn't an issue it must be something with Spine exports that's causing it and we can't figure out what. Model appear disjointed and deformed while looking and animating perfectly fine in Spine.
Try setting the MaxSize to 4096 in the Unity texture settings, Unity might be reducing the texture size from its original.
If it is, you may want to scale down your texture sheet manually in Spine
Again, could you tell the dev to turn on wireframes so we can actually see what's going on?
Also just to cover our bases, the dev has a screenshot with the default
tab open. Can we make sure the iOS tab isn't overriding those settings?
It's probably nothing, But it's strange that the texture atlas looks like that with those gaping holes.
Spine's TexturePacker usually packs everything to the left. I know the shadows are there, but that still seems like a lot of space for it.
I suspect it's not the texture size. If you see Mlesna's export settings, the max is currently set to 1024.
If you also want other people to try it out in Unity, you could share the exported files here in the forums. If you worry about it being stolen, you could repaint/recolor the exported atlas png or draw squiggles on them.
This is great, if some of you can try it out and see if exports work for you i would greatly appreciate this. This is a big blocker with the project. Thanks much! I'll reach out to the dev about the screenshot from Unity. zip of spine file and exports attached
Another thing to notice, this same model was exported several times and seem to be just fine, this last time it came out deformed. The only thing i can think of besides changing something in export settings is that we recently added events, but i doubt that's what causes it...
thanks much for your help all!
It was a file naming problem.
You had both a .atlas file (new version) and a .atlas.txt (old version). The runtime was using the old atlas with the new png so it had the wrong coordinates for the regions.
The Spine-Unity runtime seemed to fail to detect that you had two atlas files. (one extended .atlas.txt
, and the other extended .atlas
We can assume the first time you exported the atlas that Unity detected the .atlas file and automatically renamed it .atlas.txt. But after that, I think it just broke, as the case where it detects both ".atlas" and ".atlas.txt" hasn't been handled yet. Or has it? I haven't actually gone through the importer code myself.
Just delete all previous exports. Export a new set of files, and in Spine's Create Atlas/Texture Packer settings, change the atlas extension from ".atlas" to ".atlas.txt".
You shouldn't be getting this problem any more after that.
Note to the animator and the programmer:
Spine exports 3 files. A png
, a json
, and a .atlas
(.atlas.txt for compatibility).
Spine-Unity's importer generates 3 more files (though not 100% true, think of them as having a 1:1 correspondence with the original Spine exports): a Material
for the image. an AtlasAsset
for the atlas, and a SkeletonDataAsset
for the json.
That makes a total of 6 files with any regular set of Spine assets. Any more and you should be suspicious if you didn't have some kind of special setup. I know it just turns into a jumble of files most of the time. But it's handy when you need to figure out what broke.
Last tip:
You should trim/crop your Shadow.png
image to remove the empty transparent areas.
That's extra work the GPU doesn't need to do, and wasted space in your atlas.
Thank you so much! I'll try it out and let you know if (for some reason) issue persists. Thanks again, huge help, Pharan!!
why does this happen when i export my file as JSON/ATLAS file? what do you think is wrong with my export?
the PNGs should be compressed without huge spaces between them? insted of exporting only 2 pages of PNG along my Json and atlas files?
Did you remove those spaces from your original images?
Ideally, that's the first step.
If you weren't using meshes, you can enable strip whitespace in the texture packing options. But note this can cause rendering errors otherwise.
thanks for the reply, I just found out that the clothing i placed was exported without using "LAYERS TO PNG" and was done with exporting using photoshop only. thats why every clothing took the whole canvas space.