• Runtimes
  • Dynamic bow and shield animations


The blocking animation I'd like to make would block in the direction of the cursor. But I want the whole body the follow the movement not just the arm to make it more realistic. (bent back, head is looking towards the cursor aswell, maybe being in a slightly crouched stance)
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the Trine games but the blocking there describes it the best what I'd like to achieve. 😃

The arrow shooting animation I'd like is basically the same as the block, I'd like to keep the fully drawn bow and still aim with it.

I guess it should be done in runtime? I'm not sure.
Could you give me any help or some tips on how to make these animations.

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Take a look at the Gunman asset pack demo video, about 15 seconds in. There is an Aim Pivot bone that controls pretty much the entire upper body including torso and head position along with rotation by simply tying the right analog stick to the rotation of the aim pivot.

13 أيام لاحقا

I took a look at the animation you suggested and it looks exaclty what I need but to be honest I'm not great with animations and the IK tutorials are a bit too simple for this kind of thing.

I was wondering if you could explain me a bit better how to create similar animation to the asset pack's gunman. Will there be more 'advanced' tutorials for Spine maybe? Or do you know of any resource wich would help me teach myself Spine.

I would disagree with what mitch suggested, not that it doesn't work, or is wrong, but it doesn't give you pin point accuracy. instead We did what I described in this thread: Spine Asset Packs coming soon!

BinaryCats wrote

I would disagree with what mitch suggested, not that it doesn't work, or is wrong, but it doesn't give you pin point accuracy. instead We did what I described in this thread: Spine Asset Packs coming soon!

Callin me out son?

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The benefit of my method is that every frame can be tweaked to look good. Accurate aiming is one thing, but if your character looks awkward its pointless. Arrow trajectory can be tweaked subtly after firing or even by tilting the arrow a bit while still int he bow to directly match cursor position.

Mitch wrote

Looks like we are having a good ol' fashioned show down

whilst I agree your animations look nice, it just makes the solution more convoluted than it needs to be. If I click with the mouse cursor here I expect to be able the skeleton to aim at that point, not run some what, could be, complex equation to get the accuracy spot on,.

Please forgive the art, I literally wipped this up in 5 mins

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I did this recently (Fire at point on screen, make skeleton point a weapon at said point)

I'll post some code if desired.

عام واحد لاحقا
Xelnath wrote

I'll post some code if desired.

Would be nice.

4 أعوام لاحقا

@Mitch : With The new asset pack, The gunman can NOT shoot straight up or straight down, it was flickering. Is that what it supposed to?
In such case, how do I create animation for gunman to shoot straight up and down ? Thanks

Which version of Unity?

Which version of the Spine runtimes? I'll take a look!