Hey everyone! I'm the founder of Starfall Studios, a four-man indie developer working on our first game, Sneaky Ninja. It's a 2D stealth platformer
think Mario with more ninjas, and Mark of the Ninja with more jumping
being made for PC/Mac/Linux and Wii U!
We just launched our Kickstarter last week and we're currently 26% funded! I last posted here when we were up on Steam Greenlight back in August (and we got greenlit in November!), so we've made a lot of progress since then which is hilighted in the new trailer. Check it out and let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is more than welcome, we're always looking for ways to improve the game or the Kickstarter page itself. If you like what you see, show us a little love!
Spine is used for all the animations, and although they aren't super technical, they add a lot of personality to the game with all the bouncy squishiness!
Check out our Kickstarter!