• Bugs
  • Error in loading Atlas in Libgdx

I am developing in Libgdx and when i make atlas from spine and try to load them i got an error as Libgdx can't load atlases made from spine i don't know is there is any setting to be changed in spine to load atlas to libgdx,also i can't change maximum atlas size to 256 as when i scroll the changing bar it come to some other values other than 256 some like 258,at last i found a way to load spine created atlas to libgdx by editing atlas file and remove size parameter in first line like this

spineboy.pngsize: 1024,1024format: RGBA8888 == wont work
spineboy.pngformat: RGBA8888 == works

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I expect your libgdx is out of date.

my libgdx is up to date and i cant load atlas to libgdx,you may check examples provided by spine and open its atlas files and see there is no size parameter and make a atlas with spine and see size parameter, you may please update spine.jar file which is added to libgdx project or update spine editor or show me an example which works in libgdx which has size parameter

libgdx's TextureAtlas works with .atlas files that have and don't have size. It is optional. Code is here:
https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/blob/m ... .java#L115

The Skeleton Viewer is libgdx and should open the JSON and .atlas files you export just fine:

If you still have a problem, please follow these guidelines for getting help:

i dont understand what you are talking about i asked about atlas which contain size parameter which causes error see your examples
https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spi ... lins.atlas
it wont have size parameter, please update your spine software or make a option to enable or disable size parameter

As I said: libgdx's TextureAtlas works with .atlas files that have and don't have size. It is optional.

If you have an error, post the error.

Also, formatting.

Hi Nate i am new to this Libgdx and Spine may be it was my fault, i am now editing atlas and remove size parameter and load it, anyway thanks for your support and time,