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New video - IK example setup
We've uploaded a new video today on how you can use IK on a character.
Very detailed. I'll start animating the playercharacter of my game soon.
This video will be pretty helpful, as I still learning Spine and its IK features in depth.
I want to make the arm point to a constraint.
The constraint will be the weapon target.
How to do this for 3 bones?
@BlackCapApps IK only works for one or two bones.
For your use case I would use IK for the upper and lower arm, not the hand/gun. Alternatively you would have to chain two IK chains. One with two bones and another with one bone, then make the arm constraint a child of the gun constraint. At runtime you could then do something "fancy" like having the arm constraint lag benhind the gun constraint a bit.
When will the documentation be updated for all these new features? I'm wanting to adjust the MIX of a IK constraint during runtime but theres no documentation on that stuff. I'll probably figure it out but would be nice to have updated docs.
Nate has been really busy lately with the new documentation. It's not finished but you can find the already done documentation here http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-user-guide/