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(Unity) Import problem
Hi! I found this problem, when i create "new skeleton data" and drag ".json" inside, Unity give many error messages and create couple skeleton in scene. Inspector also has a glitch.
P.S. this stuff happens only with "Squig" skeleton(this skeleton has skin attachment), other animations import was OK.
Skin attachment give this glitch.
I think Mitch will need to take a look at this one maybe. Any chance you can share that Squig in case he needs it for debugging ?
Data would be nice
If not, could you post a full stack trace for each of those errors? Need to see what part of the inspector is calling them.
Here animation JSON, try drag in Unity project folder and see what happened
Patched and sumbitting pull request to github right now.
In the mean time in SpineEditorUtilities.cs find:
skin = skeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true).DefaultSkin;
Add after:
if(skin == null)
skin = skeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true).Skins[0];
Error occurs when a DefaultSkin isn't serialized in JSON (ie: you only have data in a custom skin, but none in the "No skins selected" state of the spine editor.