• Editor
  • Inverse Kinematics (IK) revamped and documented

Can only say it'll be done in the next couple weeks.

Related Discussions

This is great news, but the features page still lists ik pinning as non available, anyways concerning IK runtime implementation: will we be able to animate character meshes directly in Unity for example by manipulating exported IK handles (as game objects) or is it just to enable the baked animation to run.
And speaking of Unity, any native integration down the road like 2D system or Mecanim? that would be epiC!

Fixed the features page, thanks.

Yes, you can manipulate the IK target at runtime. The target is just a bone, so moving it is easy. The IK is applied at runtime, so you changes will be visible. Eg, if your character is standing on an uneven surface, you could move the IK target for the feet up or down and the legs will bend or extend so they will be standing exactly on the uneven surface.

There will be some fancy Unity features soon. Take a look at what Mitch has been doing!

epiC! thanks so much Nate, you're unparalleled guys, it was just recently that Motion Builder showcased something similar in a skiing character scene so needless to say you cut edge. 2D animation has been longing for this day.
I hope you continue on with the Unity side, you patch up alot of shortcomings. did you know that we couldn't even preview native 2d anims in the Unity inspector!

Excuse, because there is no way to contact you, can only leave a message here. I bought this software but PAYPAL‘s mail address is wrong then I did not receive your official mail, but now PayPal's email address has been corrected, is there a solution could be saved?

xiangying1024 wrote

Excuse, because there is no way to contact you, can only leave a message here. I bought this software but PAYPAL‘s mail address is wrong then I did not receive your official mail, but now PayPal's email address has been corrected, is there a solution could be saved?


Click "Show Contact Form"

This is best for account problems because it is private.

11 أيام لاحقا

I would likt to use C# version in Unity.
is possible?

eunjun,choi wrote

I would likt to use C# version in Unity.
is possible?

Soon. It's not in the runtime just yet.

Do you have release plan? please tell me if you have.

eunjun,choi wrote

Do you have release plan? please tell me if you have.

Have to ask Shiu or Nate for that 🙂 But it's coming heh. The IK data is exported to the JSON file now, so if you reaalllly want to you can implement one yourself.

2 أشهر لاحقا
6 أيام لاحقا

Neat, thanks, Nate 🙂