• Runtimes
  • [Unity] Editor Integration Improvements

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alic wrote

Good stuff mitch 🙂

Should SkeletonUtility reset all its values under Slots when the game is run?

Yea, it's only meant as a debug tool for now. Serializing that mess doesn't make too much sense since it is almost constantly overwritten by animations.

Hey Mitch, some awesome progress on the runtime! Thanks and congrats, man!

I was wondering, does the Unity runtime currently support animating the IK Mix? We searched for a way to do that during the game but had no success...

Also, kinda off topic: in that example video of the guy holding a sword inserted on the wall, how did you make that volumetric light effect? Is that a asset store plugin?

Tks, keep rocking! 🙂

GabrielDSC wrote

Hey Mitch, some awesome progress on the runtime! Thanks and congrats, man!

I was wondering, does the Unity runtime currently support animating the IK Mix? We searched for a way to do that during the game but had no success...

Also, kinda off topic: in that example video of the guy holding a sword inserted on the wall, how did you make that volumetric light effect? Is that a asset store plugin?

Tks, keep rocking! 🙂

IK Mix - yes.

skeleton.FindIkConstraint( "LeftFoot" ).Mix = [0 



Also, through Skeleton Utility Bone's Override mode you can do another form of mix as well. I'll show that off in a video soon.

Volumetric light - those are stock Unity Pro post process Sunshafts.


Hello, and thanks for the improvements which are now in the latest version of the runtimes apparently.
I encountered some problems with bones and negative scale (again sorry!) / flipX.
I attached images to display the problem:

On the last screen, there is a shading pb but it comes from my shader, what annoy me is the bounding box attached to the head.
It's a rather old export from this character animations (version 1.8.x).
Do you have any suggestion? Should I modify your BoneFollower script? Should I modify SkeletonUtilityBone Script?
Or should I get some sleep because I forgot something ...


Apologies for the issues with scale; I'm going to write an in-depth guide to what works and doesn't in regards to Unity's "excellent" hierarchy system.

The gist of it is though...

Don't scale the character. Just use FlipX - the SkeletonUtilityRoot will scale itself.

If you're using 2D or 3D colliders inside of the hierarchy, you shouldn't use FlipX or negative scale ever 🙁 Thats true for 3D model rigs as well. Especially if you're using physics joints and rigidbodies. My best suggestion is to instead rotate the character 180 about the Y axis in lieu of flipping.

Also, 2D colliders generally don't survive being rotated about the Y axis if they're part of a hierarchy... Sucks... Quite a number of Box2D users just accept this and keep 2 sets of colliders, one for left and one for right.

I've sent you a PM as well 🙂

Wow! This is so new :-)

I bought Spine today and I was wondering how is that the oficial videos were so different from the things I was getting when importing... until I found this thread. I'm loving it! Keep the good work.

Just one question, is the root motion script already merged? I don't seem to find the script that was applied in a previous video. Maybe now is not a different script and is some option I seem not to find?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

I haven't merged the Root Motion stuff I did earlier, no. The previous solution was... bad heh. I'm going to chat with Nate a bit about integrating root motion into the actual Spine runtimes rather than just as a Unity plugin. Although, you only need to add 1 or 2 lines of code to the old root motion experiment (the UpdateState event/delegate) to SkeletonAnimation.cs in order to use the RootMotion script.


Pharan wrote


Hey thats in there ********. I just haven't made a tutorial for it yet. :wait:

Thanks for your advice.

I will try to get the last root motion script and try to used.

If I remember right, in the video it was said that only X root motion was applied. I guess that if enters the runtime, some checkboxes to select "Apply X Root Motion" and "Apply Y Root Motion" will be available, in the same way we have "Flip X" and "Flip Y". For my needs It's ok with X Root Motion, but for some cases that come up to my mind, the Y Root Motion could be interesting.

24 أيام لاحقا

I need a demo

6 أيام لاحقا

Mitch, these additions are awesome! Thank you!

is there any documentation available on the skeleton utility? I am also particularly looking forward to learning more about using sub meshes to render objects infront/behind parts of my skeletons.

Great stuff!

There're a bunch of example videos stickied to the top of the forum. That's the best resource for now 🙂

Mitch, I found if there is more than one skeleton in a single spine project then the unity import does not work correctly. Only for one skeleton the prefab is automatically created but the second skeleton is broken. It can be also on spine export side. Can you please take a look at it? https://www.dropbox.com/s/onz66rwg72gks ... s.zip?dl=0

Hi all,

I have just updated to the latest Tk2d runtime and the latest version of Tk2d on the asset store.
my problem is as follows:
1.) if i try to choose "create">"spine">"skeleton data from selection" it is greyed out.
2.) if i create a new "skeleton data" I can drop my json file on it fine but my sprite collection does nothing when i drag and drop it on the sprite collection property of the skeleton data in the inspector. it just continues to read "None(Tk 2d Sprite Collection Data)"

Any ideas on what i am doing wrong?

i made the sprite collection with the latest tk2d and set all of the sprites to premultiplied alpha...


Tk 2d Sprite Collection Data

Not Tk 2d Sprite Collection


I am new to Spine, really like it so far. :love: I have been looking around for ragdoll support and I cannot seem to find an answer for this, so I thought I'd ask here.

I noticed that you showed some ragdoll support in the Unity Extensions walk-through (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UopOOYVj1gc#t=912). I cannot get the Ragdoll/Restore GUI buttons to show, also, there isn't a "Ragdoll Root" input for the Skeleton Utility component.

Am I missing something? Should I be using Unity Pro? Was the feature removed/moved? (You mentioned in the video that it might be moved later on.)

  • تم التحرير

I cannot get the Ragdoll/Restore GUI buttons to show, also, there isn't a "Ragdoll Root" input for the Skeleton Utility component.

Err, sorry, I did try to explain those were test features heh. The code to generate a ragdoll is currently stored inside of the Editor scripting (SkeletonUtilityEditor.cs) and hasn't been ported to the runtime side yet. It's pretty straight forward if you want to take a crack at it - my problem is that it probably will never be a "One Ragdoll size fits all" thing so its hard to implement it as part of the primary Unity API. I might publish some helper scripts adjunct to the official runtimes to help out some soon though 🙂

Ah, I should have payed more attention. I'll look around in the .cs file that you mentioned and see if I can use it. Thanks! :clap:
By the way, am I trying to do something unnecessary or too complex here? What I want is to import the animations made in Spine, use them and then just be able to turn them into ragdolls upon player death events in the game. Is there a better/easier way to solve this? :think: