kBlankii Sorry for the inconvenience! We would like to be able to support Chinese in a future version, so could you please provide us with a Spine project to test this? It is sufficient if you only send us a Spine project that containing some Chinese named bones and slots without images. We will create an issue ticket as soon as we receive it.
GDExtension 对汉字有些兼容性问题
kBlankii Thank you for providing the Spine project for testing! I have tested with it and have confirmed that some combinations can reproduce the problem you mentioned and some combinations cannot.
I was able to reproduce the crash with our Godot 4.3 custom build, but when I installed the GDExtension on Godot 4.3 downloaded from Godot's official website, it did not crash and the animation played correctly.
The following are the states of the Spine and Godot editors when tested:
I will continue to investigate the difference between crashing and not crashing, but for now I just wanted to let you know as soon as possible that you may be able to use Chinese text in some combinations without waiting for our updates. We will let you know if we find anything else.
After further testing, I found that at least the following were not true, as far as I could tell:
① 若骨架名称包含中文,则 SpineSprite 节点的 skeleton_data_res 属性被指定该 skeleton data 时,整个 Godot IDE 都会崩溃
The important cause is apparently the inclusion of Chinese in the animation names, and it does not matter if Chinese is used in the skeleton bone names, slot names, or image file names used for attachments.
In my previous reply I said that the results were different between those using the GDExtension and our spine-godot custom build, but it seems that this is just because the updated skeleton data was not loaded properly within Godot, and the results were the same in both cases. I created an issue ticket to fix this:
You can subscribe to this issue ticket to receive notifications when there is any progress on this issue.
其中包含了 Spine 和 Godot 项目:MEGA.NZ 下载 (这里没法上传 >8MB 的文件)
The important cause is apparently the inclusion of Chinese in the animation names, and it does not matter if Chinese is used in the skeleton bone names, slot names, or image file names used for attachments.
但在这套有问题的环境中,并不包含中文名动画。带中文的就只有 插槽、骨骼、骨架、图片文件
我已经在 Godot 项目中包含了有问题的 SpineSkeletonDataResource,将其拖拽进 SpineSprite 节点的 skeleton_data_res 空槽中,就会导致 Godot 崩溃。
该环境所使用的 Spine 版本为 4.2.40 Pro,
Godot 版本为 4.4.stable(官方版本)
spine-godot 版本为 spine-godot-extension-4.2-4.3-stable(GDExtension 版本)
kBlankii Thanks for the additional information! However, the spine-godot runtime does not yet officially support Godot 4.4.
The spine-godot-extension-4.2-4.3-stable only supports Godot 4.3. The first version number (4.2) corresponds to the Spine editor version, while the second version number (4.3) corresponds to the Godot editor version.
From previous posts in this forum, it seems that some spine-godot users have already started using Godot 4.4. However, since it is not yet officially supported, any issues that arise with unsupported versions will have to wait until official support is provided.
Could you confirm whether the animation plays correctly in Godot 4.3, as long as the animation name does not contain Chinese characters?
- تم التحرير
Can confirm, this issue is reproducible in Godot 4.3.stable.
Tested with a newly created Godot 4.3 project, using the same spine project,
where the animations are named only using English letters,
only the slots, bones, image file & the skeleton itself contains Chinese.
Godot 4.3 still crashes when the SpineSkeletonDataResource is provided to the SpineSprite node.
kBlankii Thank you for providing us with the repro project! I was able to reproduce the crash. However, when I assigned SpineSkeletonDataResource
to SpineSprite
and it did not crash, at least the filename was displayed correctly, but the one you provided was garbled. The following error was also logged in the Output Dock:
Resource file not found: res://spine/é²é².png (expected type: )
spine_godot/SpineAtlasResource.cpp:160 - Can't load texture: "res://spine/é²é².png"
So I tried to see if it would load successfully if I changed the filenames, and it did:
The configuration of the skeleton itself has not been changed, so the names of the skeleton, bones, slots, and referenced images contain Chinese characters. I will update the issue later based on this, but for now, I would appreciate it if you could try to avoid using Chinese for animation names and exported file names as a workaround.