我在纹理解包器处理PNG时遇到了报错。我切换了4.2,4.1,3.8 3个版本都没有用。请问怎么才能解包?
我在纹理解包器处理PNG时遇到了报错。我切换了4.2,4.1,3.8 3个版本都没有用。请问怎么才能解包?
herolulu It looks like the problem is in the following part of your atlas file:
You can see in the line size:
is 0, 0
. This caused the following error:
ERROR: Unable to unpack atlas:
[awt.image.RasterFormat] negative or zero width
I am not sure why it was exported with a size of 0, but in any case, if you remove the information about this attachment (02_swimsuit_l_3
) from your atlas file, the unpacking will be successful.