• EditorBugs
  • Drag n drop crash


Hi guys, I would like to report an unexpected program crash. During the process of copying multiple keys using the drag-and-drop function, an unexpected failure occurred, leading to its closure. I am attaching the log file. Has anyone else experienced something similar?

    kandakchian I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. I checked the attached spine.log file and it doesn't show what version of Spine Editor you are using, could you tell us that first? Also, the Spine Launcher you are using seems to be out of date, so please update it first. The log before the crash is a message about a missing key in a certain timeline, so it is probably a problem on the editor side, but updating the launcher version may make the log clearer.
    To update your Spine launcher, please visit your license page and re-download the Spine installer and reinstall Spine using it.

    Aha, okay. Thanks for the help

      kandakchian Thanks for showing me the screenshot. I see, the version of the editor you are using seems to be the latest. (By the way, the latest version of the launcher is 4.2.19.)
      If that Spine project was originally created with an older version and you upgraded to a newer version, I think the rgba key was removed to meet the specifications of the latest version, but this resulted in the timeline of the book_sweep_bttm slot with missing keys. Re-keying the rgba timeline may fix the problem.

      Can you reproduce the crash? If so, we would love to see your project file and the steps to reproduce the crash. We need this to be able to fix it.

        Nate Im gonna try

        I attempted to reproduce the crash multiple times, but without success.


        • تم التحرير

        Hi guys! here is another one

        Spine Launcher 4.2.19
        Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2024 | http://esotericsoftware.com
        Windows 10 Pro amd64 10.0
        NVIDIA Corporation, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090/PCIe/SSE2, 4.6.0 NVIDIA 572.16
        Starting: Spine 4.2.39 Professional
        Spine 4.2.39 Professional
        Licensed to: ******
        Using customized hotkeys: hotkeys-1.txt
        OpenAL 1.1, Default audio device
        Automatic backup complete.
        Automatic backup complete.
        ERROR: Unable to write export file:
        [cannotwrite] Cannot write file: D:\projects\massive\Hexa\symbols\specials\ghost.mov
           at s.lZc._(_:46)
           at s.lZc._(_:28)
           at s.ejY._(_:336)
           at s.ejY._(_:296)
           at s.ejY._(_:267)
           at s.Xsp._(_:657)
           at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
        Cause: [filenotfound] D:\projects\massive\Hexa\symbols\specials\ghost.mov (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
           at java.io.FileOutputStream.open0(Native Method)
           at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Unknown Source)
           at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
           at s.lZc._(_:44) ...
        ERROR: Unable to write export file:
        [cannotwrite] Cannot write file: D:\projects\massive\Hexa\symbols\specials\ghost.mov
           at s.lZc._(_:46)
           at s.lZc._(_:28)
           at s.ejY._(_:336)
           at s.ejY._(_:296)
           at s.ejY._(_:267)
           at s.Xsp._(_:657)
           at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
        Cause: [filenotfound] D:\projects\massive\Hexa\symbols\specials\ghost.mov (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
           at java.io.FileOutputStream.open0(Native Method)
           at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Unknown Source)
           at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
           at s.lZc._(_:44) ...
        Automatic backup complete.
        Automatic backup complete.
        Automatic backup complete.
        Automatic backup complete.
        ERROR: An unexpected error has occurred:
        [error] Error during hotkey: Weights - Weld All: M
           at s.BRW._(_:483)
           at s.rMo._(_:214)
           at s.PrN._(_:80)
           at s.juM._(_:68)
           at s.gsQ._(_:41)
           at s.juM._(_:35)
           at s.stB.run(_:251)
        Cause: [error] Actor: iiL
           at s.tpV._(_:192)
           at s.tpV._(_:152)
           at s.aNh._(_:228)
           at s.aNh.C(_:110)
           at s.tDY.C(_:307)
           at s.Xce.C(_:83)
           at s.KTI._(_:44)
           at s.BRW._(_:477) ...
        Cause: [npe] Cannot read field "L" because "<local0>" is null
           at s.OXY._(_:240)
           at s.aaM.z(_:399)
           at s.Ito._(_:1679)
           at s.rHd._(_:28)
           at s.tpV._(_:188) ...

        Just got it a few sec ago...

        This time it happened during mesh welding. I was trying to apply the same main texture mesh weights to the sequence over it. I created a shortcut to the "weld all" button. Each time I apply the "weld all" hotkey to the texture that has been disabled in setup mode, the crash happens. But previously, on launcher 4.2.01, the same worked okay, and I could weld the entire sequence to any texture without activating the texture each time.

          kandakchian Thanks for providing the spine.log file and showing the crash by video! The spine.log file you attached this time contained information about your license, so I pasted the content excluding it into the post and deleted the original file.

          I was able to reproduce the issue where trying to run Weld from the Weights - Weld All hotkey with a hidden mesh attachment selected would cause a crash. I will create an issue ticket to fix this.

          Created an issue ticket to fix here: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor867
          We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait until we have resolved this issue.