• Runtimes
  • Increased loading times after updating our runtimes

Hi I updated our runtimes from 3.x to 4.2. We re-exported all our .skel files without any other changes (atlas is the same)

I've noticed an increased from 7ms per file to 400ms per file (average).

This is in respect to the .skel files..

Is this expected to be the case?

I'm using libgdx

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I'm surprised that would happen, especially for libgdx. Can you post or email a .skel file that takes 400ms+ to load?

    Nate sorry I forgot to use a fixed size buffer while reading files


    SkeletonData skeletonData = readSkeletonData(file.read());


    BufferedInputStream stream = file.read(10000);
    SkeletonData skeletonData = readSkeletonData(file.read(10000));

    and now its good!

    Great, thanks for following up! Interesting the many small reads were so much slower without a buffer.