• International日本語
  • SkeletonRenderSeparatorとSkeletonRenderTextureの併用をしたい





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    nupuryu こんにちは!


      @nupuryu Please note that SkeletonRenderTexture is just an example component to show how you can properly fade out a skeleton by rendering it to a RenderTexture at full opacity first and then displaying the RenderTexture with lowered opacity. SkeletonRenderTexture does not aim to cover every possible use-case.

      Regarding rendering a skeleton to a RenderTexture which was first separated: I'm not sure I understand your scenario. If you first separate it, why do you want to render it to a single RenderTexture then, this turns it into a single GameObject again, you can't interleave anything between parts then. Or do you want to render the skeleton parts to multiple RenderTextures, each separator-part to its own RenderTexture?

      If you want to combine multiple GameObjects of multiple skeletons and other objects to a RenderTexture, it would likely be easiest to manually create a Camera for it and set the output to a RenderTexture. Then set up the target objects to be rendered only to this camera.

        Thank you for your reply!

        I wanted to fade out a model that uses SkeletonRenderSeparator as if it were a single sprite. However, when I tried to use it together with SkeletonRenderTexture, it broke apart as shown in the video, which is why I created this thread.

        Regarding your answer, is it correct to understand that there is no way to use SkeletonRenderTexture and SkeletonRenderSeparator together, and that I should instead prepare a separate camera and render to a RenderTexture?

          • تم التحرير

          nupuryu 英語でご返信いただきましたがこのフォーラムは翻訳ボタンがありますので、どうぞご遠慮なく日本語で投稿してください。

          ご質問についてですが、SkeletonRenderTextureSkeletonRenderFadeout はサンプルコンポーネントとして用意されているものですので、様々なユースケースに対応できるほど柔軟に作られてはいないため、これらを使う場合にはスクリプトを改造していただく必要があります。

          ただ SkeletonRenderTexture および SkeletonRenderFadeout コンポーネントでは、描画負荷を軽減するために必要な時にだけ機能するように工夫がされていますが、ご自身でRenderTextureとそれを使用するマテリアルを適用したQuadを用意する場合にはそれがないので、その点にご注意ください。

            Misaki 返信ありがとうございます!
            SkeletonRenderTexture と SkeletonRenderFadeout はサンプルコンポーネントとして用意されているものであり


            nupuryu I wanted to fade out a model that uses SkeletonRenderSeparator as if it were a single sprite. However, when I tried to use it together with SkeletonRenderTexture, it broke apart as shown in the video, which is why I created this thread.

            In case you're not already aware of it: Please note that if you used SkeletonRenderSeparator to separate Skeleton A into parts A1 and A2 to insert object B between A1 and A2, you need to render not only A1 and A2 but A1, B and A2 to the RenderTexture to display correctly. Rendering only A1 and A2 to the render texture will display A1A2 fully in front or behind B. This would defeat the purpose of the SkeletonRenderSeparator.