• RuntimesBugs
  • iOS outlined destroy of SpineRenderer

Add a SpineUIView to my VC, after VC dealloc, crash with SpineRenderer
Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x107aa5608)
#8 0x000000010369f6d0 in outlined destroy of SpineRenderer? ()

I have added the clean code:

Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Related Discussions

Could you share a minimal project that reproduces the issue? Without the context within which this code is called, it's not possible to say why it would crash.

    • تم التحرير

    This is the simplified code as below:

    @objc class MySpineModel: NSObject {
        var controller: SpineController
        var drawable: SkeletonDrawableWrapper?
        private var customSkin: Skin?
        override init() {
            controller = SpineController(
                onInitialized: { controller in
                        trackIndex: 0,
                        animationName: "idle",
                        loop: true
                disposeDrawableOnDeInit: false
        deinit {
        private func toggleSkin(skinName: String, drawable: SkeletonDrawableWrapper) {
            customSkin = Skin.create(name: "custom-skin")
            if let nemSkin = drawable.skeletonData.findSkin(name: skinName) {
                customSkin?.addSkin(other: nemSkin)
                drawable.skeleton.skin = customSkin
        func loadDrawableData(atlasFileName: String, skeletonFileName: String) async {
            guard let drawable = try? await SkeletonDrawableWrapper.fromBundle(
                atlasFileName: atlasFileName,
                skeletonFileName: skeletonFileName
            ) else { return }
            self.toggleSkin(skinName: "01", drawable: drawable)
            self.drawable = drawable
        func updateAnimation(_ animation: UMIAgentSpineAnimation) {
            guard let dw = drawable else { return }
            controller.animationState.setAnimationByName(trackIndex: 0, animationName: animation.name, loop: animation.canLoop)
    @objc class MySpineView: UIView {
        private var spineUIView: SpineUIView?
        private var model = MySpineModel()
        @objc func loadData(atlasFileName: String, skeletonFileName: String) async {
            await model.loadDrawableData(atlasFileName: atlasFileName, skeletonFileName: skeletonFileName)
            if let drawable = model.drawable {
                spineUIView = SpineUIView(
                    from: .drawable(drawable),
                    controller: model.controller,
                    mode: .fit,
                    alignment: .center,
                    boundsProvider: SkinAndAnimationBounds(skins: ["01"]),
                    backgroundColor: .clear
                if let spineUIView = spineUIView {
                    spineUIView.snp.makeConstraints { make in
        @objc func updateAnimation(_ animation: UMIAgentSpineAnimation) {
            guard let _ = model.controller.drawable else {
                DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.2) { [weak self] in

    After removing MySpineView from superView, I set the instance = nil, then it crashed.

    The code has been posted in the above thread. (not well formatted 😅)

      13025438373 I fixed the formatting! When pasting multiple lines of code, please use triple backticks (```) to form a code block.

      The code doesn't look like it's doing anything terrible. What I can not tell from the snippets is when deinit is called. You also need to provide a full stack trace for the crash.

        13025438373 UMIAgentSpineView in the screenshot is MySpineView in simplified code

        To release memory of animation, I need set MySpineView instance = nil, then it will release its property SpineUIView.
        In Spine SDK:

        public final class SpineUIView: MTKView {
            internal var renderer: SpineRenderer?

        SpineUIView will release SpineRenderer.

        But somewhere else SpineRenderer is used after released, that's why it crashed in my thought. Should be fixed in Spine SDK? or I misused somewhere?

        • jkwf replied to this.

          I'm sorry, but piecing together what's going wrong from this information is impossible.

          Please create a minimal Xcode project, that reproduces the crash. I can then debug and fix the issue with that.

          3 أشهر لاحقا

