• RuntimesUnity
  • urp spine Skeleton-OutlineOnly is not applyed using DOF

Again, this is a problem that occurs when DOF is applied.
When DOF is applied to a Spine object with Skeleton-OutlineOnly applied, the outline disappears and is output. The outline is probably not being printed because there is no depth value.
Is there a way to write depth?
Or is there another way to print an outline when DOF is applied?

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When using the Skeleton-OutlineOnly shader in URP with Depth of Field (DOF), the outline may not appear because the shader does not write to the depth buffer. This is a known limitation, as most shaders in the spine-unity package do not write to the depth buffer by default to allow for better alpha blending. To address this, you can modify the shader to include depth writing by adding ZWrite On and appropriate alpha clipping lines. Alternatively, you can use a render texture approach, where you render the skeleton to a texture and then apply the outline effect, which can be more complex but avoids depth-related issues.

    I know that many spine shaders do not support depth write. However, the Skeleton, Skeleton-Lit, and Sprite shaders in urp-shaders have a depth write option, so DOF could be applied. But why don't URP/Spine/OutlineOnly have a depth write option?

    @thcha We've just released a new Spine URP Shaders UPM package supporting this feature:
    It can be found under the name Universal Render Pipeline/Spine/Outline/Skeleton-OutlineOnly ZWrite.
    Note: we added it as a separate shader instead of a property since additional passes (DepthOnly and DepthNormals) which are not required on the normal outline shader.

    Note that you will need to change Render Queue to Alpha Test for use with a DoF effect.

      8 أيام لاحقا

      Harald Thank you for your quick response. I'll try it and let you know if I have any questions again.