As stated in the title, the current Spine-compatible version of Godot seems to return only default values for the various event values, although the names of animation events can be obtained.

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    PandMEntertm Sorry for the trouble! I haven't been able to test it on all versions yet, but I've confirmed that the problem of not being able to get the Int, Float and String values of user-defined events correctly is reproducible in Godot 4.3 at least, so I've created an issue ticket here:
    We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait until we have resolved this issue.

      @Misaki I used the getter methods directly from event object and I was able to get the desired output running 4.3 Godot.

      func _on_spine_sprite_animation_event(sprite: SpineSprite, animation_state: SpineAnimationState, track_entry: SpineTrackEntry, event: SpineEvent):
      	print("Animation event: " + track_entry.get_animation().get_name() + ", " + event.get_data().get_event_name() )
      	print("Int: ", str(event.get_data().get_int_value()) )
      	print("Float: ", str(event.get_data().get_float_value()) )
      	print("String: ", event.get_data().get_string_value() )
      func _on_spine_sprite_animation_event(sprite: SpineSprite, animation_state: SpineAnimationState, track_entry: SpineTrackEntry, event: SpineEvent):
      	print("Animation event: " + track_entry.get_animation().get_name() + ", " + event.get_data().get_event_name() )
      	print("Int: ", str(event.get_int_value()) )
      	print("Float: ", str(event.get_float_value()) )
      	print("String: ", event.get_string_value() )

        SilverStraw Ah, you're right. This isn't a bug, it's because I got it from eventdata. Thank you for checking and writing the correct way to write it!

        @PandMEntertm The reply that SilverStraw wrote is correct! When you try to get a value from SpineEventData, you won't be able to see the value that was changed during the animation, so the value set in setup mode will be returned.