• EditorBugs
  • 4.2.36版本设置关键帧出错和动画导入出错





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    1. 确认你使用的是最新的Spine版本,因为有些bug在新版本中已经修复。
    2. 如果问题依然存在,尝试重新保存项目并重启Spine。
    3. 如果问题仍未解决,建议将你的Spine项目文件发送到[contact@esotericsoftware.com](mailto:contact@esotericsoftware.com),并在邮件中简要提及这个问题的论坛帖子URL,以便开发团队进一步调查。


    1. 确认导入和导出的Spine版本一致,避免版本差异导致的数据兼容性问题。
    2. 尝试使用命令行工具导入骨骼数据,然后在新版本中保存并导出项目,这样可以避免旧版本数据干扰。
    3. 如果问题依然存在,建议将相关的Spine项目文件发送到[contact@esotericsoftware.com](mailto:contact@esotericsoftware.com),并在邮件中简要提及这个问题的论坛帖子URL,以便开发团队进一步调查。


    toeto Hmm, that's weird. As Spinebot already suggested, we would appreciate it if you could email us a Spine project that can reproduce this problem: contact@esotericsoftware.com

      Misaki I've sent an email, please check it out! Thank you for looking into this!

      toeto Thank you for submitting your Spine project!

      Regarding the first problem, since you have disabled Auto Key, when you hide the attachment in this state, the color of the key next to the slot will only change to orange and the key will not change until you press the Key button. Also, when you restore visibility, the color of the key returns to its original color. This is the expected behavior.
      However, it is confusing that once the key color changes to orange, the orange color remains while the timeline bar is scrubbed. I think this is something that should be fixed, so I will create an issue ticket for this later.
      (If this is not the problem you are having, please let me know.)

      Regarding the second problem, while checking your Spine project while organizing it a bit, the following error was displayed:

      Was this Spine project originally created with an older version and reopened with 4.2? In rare cases, there may be a problem with data created in an older version of Spine that is corrected when opened in a newer version of Spine. In this case, rather than a bug in 4.2.36, there may have been a potential problem with the original data. I haven't reviewed it thoroughly yet, but if this Spine project is an upgrade from an older version, and if you still have the older version of the Spine project, it would be helpful if you could send it to us as well.

        I have created an issue ticket for the first problem: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor822
        As for the second problem, I am still looking into the details, so please wait a while.

          @toeto Perhaps I found the cause of the second problem. The problem seems to be that in one project the eggshell_fill slot is under the hip bone, while in the other project the eggshell_fill slot is under the eggshell_defense bone. The animation that has the problem has a key for the eggshell_fill slot, and as a result of trying to import that timeline, the timeline that should be imported into the hip bone is imported into the eggshell_defense bone. However, I am not sure if this is a bug or not, so I will confirm this with the Spine team.

          Misaki 是的,这确实是我碰到的问题,感谢您的记录和解答。

            toeto Thanks for sending us your old Spine projects! I tried to reproduce the same problem in 4.1, and in the process I found that when such a problem occurs with an animation with separate translate X/Y, only the state of the separation is imported into the bone of the same name. But the actual translate X/Y timeline is imported into the bone that has the slot, causing the error. In other words, there seems to be no problem with the upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 itself.
            I am still confirming the correct behavior of importing when the same name slots are on different bones, so please wait a while.

            @toeto Regarding the second issue, we have confirmed that it is probably a bug, so we have created an issue ticket here for a fix: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor826
            We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait until we have resolved this issue.

              Misaki 谢谢!我会静候修复。

              6 أشهر لاحقا

              Misaki 请问这个问题修复了吗?我目前在使用4.2.40版本,但当我查看这个项目时,发现问题依旧存在。并且在导入到Unity里之后,显示的也是错误的图像。

                toeto Unfortunately, this issue has not yet been resolved. We will be sure to update the issue ticket as the fix progresses, so please check it for updates.

                  Misaki 好的,谢谢回复