• International中文
  • 非Photoshop繪圖軟體,如何倒出正確座標的PDS檔案

我是一名使用clip studio paint繪製插畫,並進行動畫製作的動畫師
很高興看到 Spine4.2的版本更新,能夠直接導入PSD檔進行工作

但clip studio paint內的並沒有Photoshop的"尺規"功能,只有"尺規"工具 他能提供相當於Photoshop的"尺規 "的功能,但輸出成PSD檔後卻不會有儲存座標資訊,這意味著我仍必須開啟Photoshop設定"座標"後再將PSD檔案導入至Spine。

工作中會需要反覆都回到clip studio paint進行圖片的添加和修改,因此等於每一次的添加和修改就開一次Photoshop設置"尺標"才能確保位置正確。

想請問有什麼方法能使clip studio paint輸出的PSD檔案能夠擁有座標資訊?

    Related Discussions

    Aisha You can use the [origin] tag to set the origin. The pixel in the center of the layer that has this tag in its name will be used as the origin.
    We apologize that we do not yet have a Chinese documentation for importing PSD files, but you can find the English documentation here: https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-import-psd#Origin

      Misaki Thank you very much for your reply, this problem has troubled me for a long time!!

        Aisha Glad I could help. By the way, this forum has a translate button, so feel free to post in your native language even if we reply to you in English!