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  • Spine/traditional animation pipeline

I'm in the process of defining what will be the animation pipeline for our next project.
We'd like to achieve a hybrid Spine/traditional animation style. I was wondering what advice you could give me in order to import and integrate traditional animation sprites into Spine.
Some questions that come to mind would be:

  • What's the best way to import a set of animated sprites into the timeline?
  • How should I approach the creation of oriented animations (i.e.: walk_N, walk_NE, etc)?

Any answers and suggestions are really appreciated. Also, if there's any tutorials you think I'm missing/needing, just point me towards them. I've used Spine for developing commercial games in the past, so I'm well versed in the standard Spine pipeline. It's just that I stopped using it in 2019, as our latest game didn't really use Spine.

Thank you all!

Related Discussions

OK, I just leared that sprite sequences are a thing in Spine now. I guess that would play a major role in my pipeline.

Yep, region and mesh sequences make it easier to do frame-by-frame animation.

A directional depends on your needs. Often it's easiest to do it within a single skeleton. There are many threads about this, eg:

Be sure to check out physics, new in 4.2!

Wow, tons of help in those threads, thanks a lot @Nate 🙂
I'll make sure to check physics in 4.2, although I think unity runtimes were still on beta for 4.2 last time I checked, maybe this has changed?
Anyway, thanks again!!

    pixelmeat We apologize for not being able to announce it properly yet, but 4.2 is already stable! We will make an official announcement in the near future.

      5 أيام لاحقا

      Misaki That's great, thanks!