Hi, i've got an eye bone with skin placeholder added to "male" skin. In theory, this bone should work ONLY if "male" skin is enabled/pinned. Other skin named "goblin" has an attachment under this skin placeholder. In Unity, it works just like i want - i have to enable both "goblin" and "male" to make eyes appear, but not in spine editor. When the only active skin is "goblin", eyes are shown in the preview window even without pinning "male" skin. Is there any way to make it work? It's really distracting, when ive got all of these attachments in the viewport while not working with it.
There is really big number of these skin bones, so i would rather not to hide these attachments in the viewport manually. "Hide viewport skin bones" hides only bones, leaving their attachment as it was. Is there something i can do to make my life easier?
Thanks for answers