这是我在游戏中的设置 [Entity -1]是我控制的角色 当我改变[Entity -1]的位置时 物理约束不起作用 我需要做什么使他生效

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当我移动角色的时候 角色的骨骼动画应该跟着一起动的部分没有跟着一起动 但是当我在Scene场景中手动单独移动root时,可以看到正常的行为

@tktetb Unfortunately machine translation of your message did not yield a very clear result. Do you mean that when you move the GameObject Transform around, it has no impact on physics (physics are ignored), but when you move the root bone in the skeleton, physics are working as desired?

If so, that's a current limitation of the runtimes, since Transform movement is not yet forwarded to the skeleton. This will be added in the near future.

    Harald When I Move root transform in unity , it working as desired, but when i move root's parent, it has no impact.But when I set root's SkeletonUtilityBone mode as override, and set parent reference as the Entity Group( the parent of the [Entity -1 ]), then I move the [Entity -1 ] transform, the physic will working , but the animation position not has the right result

    @tktetb Thanks for the additional info. Then it's as I described above: this is due to the current limitation of the Spine runtimes: Transform movement is not yet forwarded to the skeleton. This will be added in the near future.