We've been working on character animations using the Spine software, incorporating various expressions such as joy, sadness, winning, and losing for each character. However, we've been facing challenges when transferring these animations to Unity, and despite extensive research, we haven't found a comprehensive solution.
Our approach involves using at least two different poses and rigs for each character. Each rig contains multiple assets like hands and mouth in distinct poses. While working within a single project file poses no issues, attempting to create separate project files for different poses and then merging them into a unified project results in rig and animation errors.
Our ultimate aim is to have two animators collaborate on the same character in different project files and seamlessly combine these projects. We've meticulously prepared both poses in a single file, and both animators have contributed to this file. However, upon using the "Import Project - Skeletons" option and merging the files, we observed the generation of multiple JSON files and different atlases. Despite setting a single image folder as the source, Unity fails to consolidate them into a single, coherent skeleton.
We've also explored the "Import Project - Animations" option, ensuring that the animation rig aligns between projects. Unfortunately, this resulted in distortions in both the rig and animation. Even though we made sure that all bone names were distinct, keyframes affected the other rig.
Despite our attempts and the information gathered from forums and other sources, we haven't found a solution. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards.