• RuntimesUnity
  • #Memory Leak #Spine Runtime

Hi all,

I have been using Spine 4.1 Version with unity version(2018.1.5). While Working with spine I am facing memory leak issue. If the left the spine animation keep on playing for 10-12 hrs it will drastically increases the system memory. I have Tried different thing which didn't worked for me. Any help will be appreciated. Here are the screenshots that shows my spine setting.

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    @RishabhArora Sorry to hear you're having troubles. Unfortuantely we can't judge anything from your shared screenshots alone. Could you please send us a minimal Unity project that still shows this issue? You can send it as a zip package to contact@esotericsoftware.com, briefly mentioning this forum thread URL so that we know the context. Then we can have a look at it.

    RishabhArora I have Tried different thing which didn't worked for me.

    What did you try? "thing" is a bit vague 🙂.