• تم التحرير

I'm working on it, but there is an issue where the key with the alpha value applied is not properly implemented in Unity and shines brightly.

What should I do about this issue?
(I attached a Gif to the inquiry email with the same content.)

Thank you.

알파값을 적용한 키가 유니티에서 정상적으로 구현되지 않고 밝게 빛나는 이슈가 있습니다.
셰이더 문제인 것 같은데, 어떻게 해결 할 수 있나요?

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답변이 늦어 죄송합니다. 일반적으로 급한 경우 스켈레톤, 내보내기 설정, Unity 측의 가져오기 설정 및 문제가 있는 슬롯에서 사용한 블렌드 모드에 대해 가능한 한 많은 컨텍스트 정보를 제공하십시오. 또는 최선의 경우 여전히 오류가 표시되는 최소한의 Unity 프로젝트를 제공하거나 문제가 있는 Spine 프로젝트 자산 또는 내보낸 자산을 당사와 공유하십시오. GIF만으로 시각적인 문제를 정확하게 진단하기는 다소 어렵습니다. 이러한 잘못된 결과를 초래할 수 있는 여러 잠재적 원인이 있습니다.

어떤 버전의 spine-unity 런타임('Asset/Spine/version.txt'에도 나열된 unitypackage의 이름)을 사용하고 있습니까?

Spine 편집기에서 straight alpha 워크플로를 사용하여 아틀라스 자산을 내보냈지만 활성화하는 것을 잊어버렸습니까? Unity에서 사용된 머티리얼에 '스트레이트 알파'?

뼈대 구성 요소에서 실수로 PMA Vertex Colors를 비활성화했습니까?

각 슬롯에서 어떤 혼합 모드를 사용하고 있습니까? 슬롯에서 블렌드 모드 곱하기를 사용하고 있습니까? 이전 버전의 spine-unity 런타임을 사용 중인 경우: [여기 문서]에 표시된 대로 SkeletonDataModifiers 아래의 SkeletonDataAsset에서 Default BlendModeMaterials 자산을 첨부해야 합니다( https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity#Skeleton-Data). 최신 버전의 spine-unity 런타임에서는 Blend Mode Materials 섹션을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 섹션은 슬롯 블렌드 모드를 사용하는 경우 가져오기 후 해당 머티리얼로 자동으로 채워져야 합니다.

Unity에서 어떤 스켈레톤 구성 요소를 사용하고 있습니까? SkeletonAnimation 또는 SkeletonMecanim 대신 SkeletonGraphic을 사용하고 있습니까? 문제가 있는 슬롯에서 특수 블렌드 모드를 사용하고 있다면 'SkeletonGraphic' 구성 요소에서 'Advanced - Multiple Canvas Renderers'를 활성화하고 각각의 블렌드 모드 재질을 할당해야 합니다.

Sorry for the delayed response. In general if you are in a hurry, please provide as much context information as possible about your skeleton, export settings, import settings on Unity's side and used blend modes at problematic slots. Or in the best case, provide a minimal Unity project which still shows the error, or share your problematic Spine project assets or exported assets with us. It is a bit hard to exactly diagnose the visual issue from a GIF alone. There are multiple potential causes which might lead to such an incorrect result:

Which version of the spine-unity runtime (the name of the unitypackage, also listed in Asset/Spine/version.txt) are you using?

Did you perhaps export your atlas assets using straight alpha workflow from the Spine Editor but forgot to enable Straight alpha at the used material in Unity?

Did you perhaps accidentally disable PMA Vertex Colors at the skeleton component?

Which blend mode are you using at the respective slot? Are you perhaps using blend mode Multiply at the slot? If you are, and you are using an older version of the spine-unity runtime: please note that you need to attach the Default BlendModeMaterials asset at the SkeletonDataAsset, under SkeletonDataModifiers as shown here in the documentation. With newer versions of the spine-unity runtime, you can see a Blend Mode Materials section, which should automatically be filled out with the respective materials after import if you use any slot blend modes.

Which skeleton component are you using in Unity? Are you perhaps using SkeletonGraphic instead of SkeletonAnimation or SkeletonMecanim? If you are and you are using a special blend mode at the problematic slot, be sure to enable Advanced - Multiple Canvas Renderers at the SkeletonGraphic component, and have the respective blend mode materials assigned.

  • تم التحرير


Thank you for answer.

But, I am lacking in Unity knowledge.(I ask for your understanding.)

Spine is using version 4.1.20.

I'll attach the current settings from Spine and various settings from Unity as screenshots.

The blend mode of the problematic slot seems to be normal, just a phenomenon caused by the alpha key value.

There seems to be something wrong with the shader.

Spine Pack Setting

Unity Perferences

Other settings in Unity.

What can I talk to the programmer about?

    luckyezzz Harald님이 말씀하신 대로 스파인 유니티 런타임 버전을 알려주세요. 다음 스크린샷과 같이 Asset/Spine/version.txt에서 확인할 수 있습니다:

    Please let us know the version of the spine-unity runtime as Harald mentioned. You can find it in Asset/Spine/version.txt, like the following screenshot:

    • تم التحرير

    In fact, it was solved by changing the material blending mode to the standard alpha mode, but I want to know the exact solution. I want to understand why changing to standard alpha mode solved it.

    Unity Perferences

    Please note that given that you have exported the atlas texture with Premultiply alpha disabled, and are thus using straight alpha workflow (though you should then enable Bleed in the export settings) you should also change the four assets at Unity Preferences - Spine named Atlas Texture Settings, Additive Material, Multiply Material and ScreenMaterial from PMA to their StraightAlpha counterparts. This is also shown in this video:

    Otherwise e.g. your Multiply material would be incorrectly setup. Do you use straight alpha workflow on purpose, or was this by accident?

    Please see the documentation on PMA and straight alpha workflow for more info.